... is a topic that is largely ... by the Roofing ... Proper ... is lauded by almost ... and ... so, as a key element in roof ... and energy savi
This is a topic that is largely misunderstood by the Roofing Industry. Proper ventilation is lauded by almost everyone, and rightfully so, as a key element in roof longevity and energy savings. The impetus to capitalize on the issue comes, like most things, from a drive for profit. The least amount of labor expended and the higher dollar contract equals profit. An improper ventilation system, however profits no one, especially the roofer that stakes a reputation on it.
We always will ask to see your attic space and we verify and measure existing ventilation openings. We diagnose potential problems and endeavor to educate you, the consumer. We explain exactly your roof’s requirements and we give it to you in writing. Occasionally a customer will have reason to not want the ventilation work as proposed. We do advise that roofing warranties are worthless if proper ventilation is not addressed. We also advise of potential conflicts in a given system. Contrary to how most roofing contractors approach a given job, we do not always advocate the use of a Ridge Vent. Ridge Vents are a fantastic form of exhaust ventilation. If used properly, they can do a world of good. If used improperly, the results can be disastrous.
We provide you with a written ventilation recommendation based upon government specifications. With this form and your new roof, you have added value and assurance that your roofing system will last the test of time.
Four Seasons Roofing and