Water Damage Can Be Painful
To some, water damage is an inconvenient price to pay for living in a flood-prone area. This type of damage can be downright devastating.
When some think of water damage,

they may not think of it as a major inconvenience. However, this occurrence does more than destroy mere replaceable objects or leave buildings in disrepair. On top of causing external destruction, its aftermath can also cause great internal pain.
During massive storms such as hurricanes, along with strong winds and tornados, flooding is also a common occurrence. The water rushes in and sometimes even knocks homes off of their foundations. Citizens often go back to find that everything they have is destroyed or even worse, that their homes have been relocated altogether. Those on the outside looking in may think that replacing the lost items such as clothes, shoes and furniture will help to fully satisfy the victims. However, sometimes a new home will not be able to completely correct the damage done.
For example, imagine an elderly couple who has saved several items over their lifetime. During a flood, they come back to a home that has experienced significant water damage, leaving them with mold, no place to stay and a loss of all of their prized possessions. Some of the items may have included things that have been passed down through generations or accumulated over long periods of time such as porcelain dolls, middle school trophies or old letters. These are things that a charity can't replace. These are things that were unique and one of a kind.
The effects of water damage can also devastate a young family with two children. What if they had accumulated several stacks of family pictures over a few years? The pictures represent their children's first years. A storm could cause flooding to their home, destroying everything inside including all of their photographs. Now, the children will have no pictures to look at of their younger days, save a few that were given to or taken by family members.
The loss of a home could prove the most heartbreaking. Not only is the home filled with important and cherished items, a home is also a place of memories. It could be a place where someone had her first child. It could be a place where grandfather and grandson used to play in the backyard. It could be a place where mother and daughter used to have tea parties. It could also be a place where fun-filled holiday dinners were held.
Although people move to different places all of the time, there is something about being forced to move because of water damage that causes pain. Moving from a home voluntarily gives someone time to reminisce and put her thoughts and feelings into perspective. However, when a hurricane or flood comes and destroys a home, the destruction is many times sudden and unexpected.
Water damage does more than cause mold or the destruction of property. It can cause a devastating blow to the emotions as some are left to pick up the pieces of their damaged possessions along with their memories.