Water Heaters: A Look At Home Maintenance

Jun 29


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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While water heaters are durable, but they also require some occasional maintenance to ensure they are meeting their promised efficiency levels. Here are some things you can do once a year to promote a healthy life for your device.

While water heaters are dependable,Water Heaters: A Look At Home Maintenance Articles reliable, and can last a long time, they also require some occasional maintenance to ensure they are meeting their promised efficiency levels. Electricity isn't cheap and you can't afford to waste money heating water to a temperature you don't need. If you take good care of this appliance, there's no reason why you can't get more than ten years out of use from it. Some families have been fortunate enough to get even more than that. If you have a good repairman on call, you can take care of problems before they get out of hand. In the meantime, here are some things you can do once a year to promote a healthy life for your device.

Take Its Temperature

Water heaters usually have a temperature setting that goes well beyond where you would need it for everyday use. After all, you hardly need it to be nearly boiling when you turn your faucets all the way to the left. Not only can this pose a risk to people in your home, it can cost you a lot in wasted dollars. There's no need to heat it beyond what you would normally use. Check the setting dial and turn it down to around 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This is enough to cover your needs and avoid overheating. You should not turn it down any lower, however, as this could make the system susceptible to bacteria growth.

The Relief Valve

Water heaters come with a valve that can be used to relive both temperature and pressure. It's a simple device, but it is essential to the safe operation of your appliance. Checking it is easy. Locate it and lift the valve about halfway before letting it snap back into place. Just from this brief engagement, you should hear some gurgling from within your appliance. This means it is working. If you did not hear that, try doing it again, holding it for slightly longer this time. If there is still no audible response, the valve is likely broken and you should have it replaced.

Sediment Removal

While you should schedule a full flush with a repairman or plumber every so often, you can perform a small flush once a year to get some of the sediment out of the bottom of the tank. This helps to prevent the appliance from rusting or developing corrosion. All you have to do is put a bucket under the drain valve, turn the valve (this may or may not require a screwdriver), and let a few gallons pour into your bucket. Close the valve back up and you're done!