Ways to eliminate squirrels inside the attic
For those who have ever heard the shuffling of tiny feet over your head within the morning or daylight hours
you happen to be in all probability questioning tips on how to eliminate squirrels within the attic. If the noises you’ve been hearing are occurring at night,

then you far more than likely have something a little creepier, like rats, in your attic. But squirrels are active throughout the day, so that’s the beneficial news.
Squirrels are comparatively harmless creatures. They're even enjoyable to watch when they scamper around the yard, hopping from tree to tree whilst watching us watch them. In your attic, having said that, it’s an entirely distinct story. Squirrels are nesters, which mean they are going to be down in your attic, making use of your insulation and dry wall to make their nests. They've been recognized to chew through electrical wiring (which isn’t very good for them, either), and they are able to destroy PVC water piping. If the latter occurs, you could be looking at a considerable amount of capital in costly repairs.
You will find no poisons available on the market for use in getting rid of squirrels within the attic. Not just is this inhumane, but in some states, it is illegal. Several old wives tales exist concerning ways to get rid of squirrels inside the attic; which include coyote urine and mothballs. However, they're wild creatures and they're pretty wise. The scent of mothballs isn’t sufficient to drive them away, especially in a drafty attic where the circulation decreases the scent. And they are able to be pretty certain with quick appear around that no coyotes have moved into the rafter next door. Commercial repellents based upon scent are commonly mothball based, and might be rather useless.
Traps are by far the most successful technique to get rid of squirrels in the attic. You'll find many models accessible, like quite big “mouse” kind traps which will crush your unwanted guests to death. Other, a lot more humane, traps do exist. These come suggested by lots of humane expert trappers and are fairly quick and simple in design.
Very first, you must ascertain how several of them you are attempting to trap. Most of them inside the attic are mother squirrels nesting with her young. When you trap the mother without trapping the young, you run the risk of very young squirrels dying of exposure or starvation. This can cause a rather unpleasant odor you’d rather do without having. For those who can come across the entrance your friends are utilizing to obtain in and out of their cozy new home, you’ll be able to track how quite a few of them are coming and going. If there is only 1, it is actually suggested which you watch for a though, giving the young time to mature and move about on their very own.
A one-way door trap could be the most advised manner when specialists are asked about tips on how to eliminate squirrels within the attic. These trap doors is usually installed over the entrance point, permitting the squirrels to exit, but not get back inside. Some come with cages that may enable you to relocate your guests far away from the temptation to move back in.