Best Card Drinking Games
With just a deck of cards you can play hundreds of different drinking games. With all those options it can be hard to know which ones are even worth playing. However, there are a few card drinking games that are guaranteed to always be a fun time.
Save yourself the trouble of looking at hundreds of card drinking games trying to decide which game is going to be fun to play,

and just pick one of the following beer games. These three games are the most widely played drinking games across the country and at every college campus, for a reason.
President and Asshole
Quiet possibly one of the best card beer games there is. President and Asshole is similar to Dai Hin Min, in which players must get rid of their cards as quickly as possible. The first to do so becomes the president for the next round. Second person becomes vice president and all the way down the line until the last person holding cards becomes the asshole. Game play gets more intense as players attempt to maintain their power or try to gain it.
King's Cup
One of the most popular card drinking games, King's Cup is extremely simple to play (if you can agree upon the rules). Rules are decided for each of the card values in the deck and then place in a circle around a large cup. Players take turns pulling cards from the circle, acting on the rule for their particular card. Each time a King is pulled that player must pour some of their drink into the "King's" Cup. When the final King, the game is over, and that player must drink the contents of the King's Cup.
Drunk Driver
Drunk Driver is the perfect drinking game for two people. Decide who is the driver and who is the dealer. The dealer then places seven cards face down in a row. The driver begins by turning over the card closest to themselves. If the card is 2 through 9, they are safe and can proceed to the next card. The goal is to get through all seven cards. However, If the card is 10 through Ace, that player must drink the corresponding number of drinks (IE 10 would 1 drink and an Ace would be 5 drinks). The dealer then places the same number of cards in the line and the driver must continue flipping cards until they arrive safely home.
These three simple card drinking games should be able to entertain you and your friends for hours, whether you are pre-gaming before the bars or just having a night in.