Women on the pool table. Etiquette, dress, and shoes; are all the same. An elaborate show broken into two acts.
So since then I have been showing up every Saturday, and a couple of Fridays thrown in just for seasoning. It is family tradition. Without the bloodshed. My Grand Uncles used to come hear religiously since WWI and throughout WWII to sink the US Navy personally. The bar was called the Airship back then and sat on the other side of woods from the Navy Chapel of Lakehurst Naval and Air and Engineering Base. They made it through to the seventh fleet until their hernias forced them to stop in the 70’s. I am not sure if that was 1970 or in their seventieth year? I just come to dance. But I keep looking over my shoulder, for their bad Karma to come and get me in lieu of them.
In between sets and during the monotonous songs, I sit in my chair backwards and lean in. Just people watching. During these bird watches, I noticed something about the types of woman who play pool.
Madames and Prostitutes. With few blends of these flavors in between with the novices. Now we will start with the Madames, since they run the houses. These are Mae Wests types on Jenny Craig with a pool stick in their hands. They bend over the table with six inch heels and full hip jeans with appropriate framing of their wears. But as with the Prostitutes, the Madames stand up with brazen pool stick with a sneer. A sneer saying with that stick they need not male companion unless you can afford it. Even then they will still be reluctant. Their wears are only for power and just sheer coolness. They have come home to the table to roost. But they do carry a certain Polish Hot Shit quality to them.
Now the Prostitutes, same six inch heels. Pumps or Boots. Full hip jeans because crack does not look good on plumbers or gals. Shirt lengths vary. But Prostitutes show off as little or as much of their bosom as can. Madames tend to pull in their amplitude a bit to create more of a whisky drinking barrel chest appearance. Prostitutes are all show without the pomp and circumstance that the you wish you could come up and see me sometime’s throw around like cheap perfume. But then both know the way to straddle with their shoulders equal and square to the table, bend from the hip with a wanton look at the cue, aim with a slight rise to the rear and droop of the collar for the right exposure of flesh, stroke and rise from the hip and saunter away. With utmost care try to set up the cue ball to return to the side of the audience with the second strike.
No flat shoed, careless dressed, or straddle etiquette lacking woman plays pool. It is not even thought of. There is no restriction or chastisement, it just does not happen. Madames and Prostitutes just have it born within them to play. I can not say much for their skill in racking them up. Because I got stuck on, well, the racks and show. I knew one to be a queen at this. She paid many of her delinquent rents this way. Once I had to save her from leaving one bar to go to the cut throat biker bar to get last call in Lynn with two guys she was stealing their shirts from. Dumb blonde routine and all. But the mix of alcohol that night got her to live up to that reputation. So I took her home. I think the guys was looking to loose the rest of their clothing along with hers. In her family Thanksgiving Dinner was served after a morning filled with six sisters and their father around a pool table. When rounds had come and gone, the table cloth was through over the table after the last ball was sunk.
Her father was an old hand at bringing his daughters to the pool room for his own ego. Passing them off as his bimbos instead for the night.
Well she wa a little of both, Madame and Prostitute. Boy was she a good dancer.
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