Secrets beyond the Da Vinci Code taught by the Da Vinci Code Life Coach. Shocking Secrets will be revieled from within your own hearts to make you wealthy. But Remember the Meaning of Life is 42...
It is in us. We are pushed out of the womb as our soul enters the cup of our body. We try to perfect our lives in this cup. We feed and nurture it. But occasionally we loose the jewel of our body ,our cup, and spirit strays into harms way. This jewel is formed in childhood, The Jewel is our identity. We are born self actualized. But in our setting of this jewel in the ring of the world, it can get tarnished or lost. But when this stone is found once again, it can turn the base lead of our souls into the Gold of Christ. Jesus said, "Among those born of women, from Adam until John the Baptist, there is no one so superior to John the Baptist that his eyes should not be lowered (before him). Yet I have said whichever one of you comes to be a child will be acquainted with the Kingdom and will become superior to John." Gospel of Thomas verse 46. The Grail is the inner child made into an adult. The Journey of the fool through career and marriage to happiness, this is Parzival’s Grail and Davinci’s Secret. This is Da Vinci Code Coaching.
“Cleave the wood: I am there; lift the stone and thou shalt find me there!” is read from line 77 of the Gospel of Thomas. We also read "There is a light within a person of Light, and it lights up the whole universe". Gospel of Thomas, verse 24. This is the child you were born as. The seed to adulthood. Loose yourself, you loose the grail and the Kingdom of Heaven. Da Vinci Code Life Coaching."
I show the divine through how I live my life, do the same and you too will be divine." To teach a man, you must know that man. Without knowing, their is no teaching. Walk a mile in ones shoes and you may learn how that one experiences. From that you may teach. To walk in man’s shoes to know him, he must of been born one. Intellectuals of nineteenth century Russian tried to educate the peasant’s of their oppression by Katherine the Great. But as we see Democrats talking to the working class, understanding is lost without walking in ones shoes. Speaking Chinese to a dutchman will get you know where. No matter how good the intentions. So Da Vinci’s secret is that christ walked in the shoes of a man born of woman after normal intercourse, passed from there to here in nine months, passed from childhood to adulthood, married and became a teacher, made mistakes and divorced, and lost his faith so he may find it. But the greatest sin was to loose his child in the flesh, so you may find yours. This Child was Sarah who is called the Black Madonna, The Egyptian, Gypsy Queen, and Mare of Merogivian.
In response to the question if Heaven was in the sky or the sea, Jesus explained then the fish and birds would be be your kings and queens “Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty." To paraphrase Wayne Dwyer,” if you are your job? What are you when you loose it? If you are your family, where are you when your nest is empty?”In a Ray Bradbury tale called “The Man”, a professor looked outside onto the streets of an alien planet for who’s inhabitants have seen Christ. He had seen none but believed he would find him on the next planet. If not that one, another. Why has man not found the grail? They look for it in Templar castles, Cathedrals in England, and pits in Nova scotia. Like that professor, they look outside of themselves. For if they look inside, they may see it. For God is a mirror with many faces and the light that illuminates it is your own. But if you come to this mirror with your Halloween costume, who’s face is in the mirror. For the child and god lives under the mask. For no candy enters the mask, but enters the child instead. So you shall not find wealth that the child can not embrace. Your money will be like paper with no gold to back it.
For in the Da Vinci Code, what was the Grail? Was it Robert finding himself in Sophia? Is it not so that Sophia in Latin is Wisdom? Did he look into the mirror of her eyes to see his soul? But if he did not know himself, could he be scared by the stranger he found there? Confirmation of the wisdom of himself. This is the Grail. So why would you deprive the teacher such gifts as love, marriage, and parenthood? Even Popes, Bishops, and Priest were blessed with children. John Paul the Second was so blessed. Why may Jesus, the man named Emanuel not be so blessed when you called him Christ?The last secret of the Da Vinci code is the ritual of God unto himself. Before Odin could teach man he wrote “I trow I hung on that windy Tree nine whole days and nights, stabbed with a spear, offered to Odin, myself to mine own self given, high on that Tree of which none hath heard from what roots it rises to heaven.” Havamal Verse 137. We men are born of woman at birth. At adolescence we are born of men into career and society. Then we are born of woman once again as Father, Rabbi, Priest, and Teacher. For a week after the Enlightenment, Buddha continued to meditate under the tree without moving from his seat for three weeks before he taught. Christ was crucified on the same tree for three hours and rose from the dead in 3 days. 3 days, Nine nights, and 3 weeks all are mutiples of three. But Christ was also met with 3 women.
T o be greeted by three Marys. Mary is derived from Mery in ancient Egyptian meaning beloved. Christ to himself in the eyes of the three Marys. Tomb to the womb. The three beloveds a man must accept. The Child, the Mother, and the Crone that is in every woman. Her past, her present, and her future. As Christ moved from Shepard to Gardener he taught as he conveyed secrets to the Magdelean. Shepard communicates to the watchtower, for Magdalean in Hebrew is watchtower of the flock. For the shepard is within us as christ and the watchtower watches the whole from above like the dove of the holy spirit. The Ecclessia.
Da Vinci Life Coaching will teach you this all. But to get there you must understand “ And a horse has no udders, and a cow can’t whinny. And up is down, and sideways is straight ahead.” and Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to His disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the Kingdom." They said to Him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the Kingdom?" Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter [the Kingdom]." Last but not least is the dearly departed words of Douglas Adams “The Meaning of life is 42” That all of this is lies that hold truth.
The Wyrding Well of the Pines
Truth is weirder than fiction. In this tale I swear I fall short of providing full scope. For it is far more amazing than words can say. As for my veracity, this tale is undeersigned by Elmer Fud, Sinbad, and Grape Ape as my witnesses. But you will still not believe what I found at the bottom of this well....Constructs and Why You Date the Best Worst Thing
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Understanding the constructs that shape our perception of reality can empower us to make profound changes in our lives. This article explores the psychological and cultural frameworks that define our world, drawing on insights from philosophy, psychology, and various cultural practices. By recognizing and adjusting these constructs, we can transform our lives and achieve personal growth.