Here is a quick list of components that make a websiteattractive. They are listed in layers of attractivenessbeginning with the "must-haves" to the "nice to haves."
1. State the website's purpose up front and clearly.Do this as quickly as possible. The visitor needs toknow immediately if they have landed on the right site.They also need to know "what’s in it for me to stay here".If you don't provide this, they are gone. 90% of the siteson the Net don't do this.
2. Give visitors the ability to search for exactly whatthey are looking for, especially if they have something exact inmind. A "site search feature" satisfies this best. Allowthe search feature to be prominently displayed and nothidden away somewhere. It is best to place it in the navigationalsystem so that it shows up on every page. Sales letters thatare only on websites are an exception to this rule.Return visitors and visitors that have something specifically in mindwant the option and ability to find what they want fast, so give itto them.
3. Photos allow connection. Especially to people whoprocess visually. Clip art gets them to pay attention,however, it doesn't create much of a connection. Personalphotos connect within reason. Keep them less than three toa page. One photo always needs to be in the top portion ofthe screen on the first page. It doesn't need to be large,it just needs to be attractive.
4. Find ways to capture visitors' information wherever possible.
5. Place items on the site that will keep them lingering. Audioand video are one of these, yet there are other less timeconsuming and inexpensive ways to keep them entertained.
6. Articles. For solopreneur sites, your own writtenarticles. For other sites, articles with various authors-yet on focus.
7. Interactive elements. For example: response forms,quizzes.
8. If you use a shopping cart, it must be fluid, nohiccups. PayPal is not a shopping cart, it’s a hiccup. Allautoresponders must be well written and positive. Ifsomeone purchased something, they need the energy of a "thankyou".
9. Give offers that are of value.
10. Clear the path of where a newcomer can start if it is theirfirst visit.
11. A Newsletter that is consistent with the 80/20 rule.80% value and 20% marketing.
12. E-courses of value.
13. Well-written e-books: 50-75 pages, plus valuableinformation (info not found anywhere else). Length doesn'tdo more than provide perceptive value. Once purchased andthe vastness is only fluff, then your credibility is shot.Complimentary e-books meet the same requirements.
14. Give them other ways to receive more on you, if you arethe focus or more on the information, if that is the focus.
15. Automated referral system. If you want referrals foryour products or services, make it easy for yourself to get them.Set it up so it’s as automatic as possible, and clear andeasy for someone to send you a referral. Be clear on whatand how you want to give for that referral.
Describe Your Business In One Sentence
A useful fill-in-the-blank method for getting clear on your business, a niche, a product or service, creating a theme and positioning statement for your business.Three Phases To Email Sensitivity
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Editors will buy a book for one or more of the followingreasons. By knowing what these reasons are, you can thendesign a marketing plan with these features in mind.