A Checklist For The Top WordPress Themes

Mar 20


Craig Thornburrow

Craig Thornburrow

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To say that there is one WordPress theme that is perfect for everyone would be false. If you want to make any sort of noise online, it is imperative you take the time to look at each of these facets.


To say that there is one WordPress theme that is perfect for everyone would be false.  But there are certain aspects that all of the top WordPress themes do contain.  If you want to make any sort of noise online,A Checklist For The Top WordPress Themes Articles it is imperative you take the time to look at each of these facets. 

1. Hooks
Hooks are used by WordPress plugins in order to be able to perform their designated tasks.  What they can do for you is open the door to add extra output, tracking codes and so on.  If an author theme forgets to add these hooks, the list of problems can quickly build up.  Make sure the theme you opt to go with has hooks.

2. Template files
When shopping for the top WordPress themes available, take the time to compare theme files.  There are countless files that should be looked at including the homepage template, the template for single posts, pages, category indexes and so on.  By comparing you will be able to quickly differentiate the good from the bad.

3.  Widget or not?
WordPress does support the use of widgets for your sidebar thus allowing you to control what appears in the sidebar from your admin panel without editing your theme.  With this, it is crucial your theme supports this as well.  Sadly, there are themes that do not support this incredibly useful and sufficient tool.

4. Search option?
Even sadder is the fact that there are WordPress themes out there that do not have a search box built in.  One of the most important aspects to any blog, web site or page is having a search box as it gives visitors a little more freedom and ease to find what they are looking for.  Therefore, make sure your theme has a box built in.

5. Available for all browsers
The final thing to look at that all of the top WordPress themes have in common is the ability to work in all browsers.  Most themes will come with a demo site that can be tested.  Take this, go to browsershots, and place the URL in the link to receive screenshots of all major browsers on all platforms. 

While you can get away with it not working in a relatively small browser, it must be capable of working in all of the major browsers like Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer 6 and 7 for it to be worth your time.