Article Creation and Submission as an SEO Tool
In this document you will find the problems which I had confronted earlier by being a little bit greedy and coined an ethical ‘Playing in Safe House” policy for article creation and submission.
Article creation and submission is a chief tool for creating back-links to a site. On an average it takes 3 hours to create an article. While creating an article on must understand the matter of originality in a way that when it will be published it must be an original content. No matter from where the idea has been generated. Also,

it must not be promotional in nature. Although many of the Article Directories will accept the article without much efforts but from a reader’s point of view the article should be informational. Once an idea has been derived, one can start with writing an article. Things like punctuations, grammar and use of paragraphs, bullets and numbering should be taken into consideration. It will not only ensure submission of the article but also readers will find it easy to understand the thoughts. When created, one must ensure the presence of keywords that will be used as anchor texts to link back to the desired site. Last but not the least, submission of that article is the most tedious job one can find in the whole process. Here, if you are a beginner, one site that must help you out in this matter is On goarticles, submission is as simple as follows: 1. Just visit the site. 2. Register there as an author. 3. Use keywords as an anchor text. 4. Submit your article. 5. See it live within 24 hours. That’s how one can successfully submit an article but need to take care of the following things else the results will be aching. Duplicate Content: The article which is being created must be an original content. Even don’t bother about punctuations and usage of paragraphs or other kind of formatting if it’s not feasible. But essentially the cut copy and paste version of your article will be penalized by search engines and you will face serious consequences for that kind of act. Such situations can be avoided by reading the reference document thrice and writing it in your own words. It would be much appreciated if you have a dictionary opened in your browser showing synonyms for different words. One article-one directory: One article should be submitted to one directory only. Any article which is live on any article directory, if submitted to other directory will be considered as duplicate content and hence liable for penalties. Remember, a slight change in the original article is not a permanent solution. Rewrite that article again to avoid duplicity of content. After doing numerous experiments it has been found that if an article is created and submitted to more than one directories, severe penalties will be imposed by search engines over the targeted sites which can lead into deterioration in ranks for the targeted key-phrase as well as other ones affiliated with the site, decreasing traffic and can even lead to vaporization of site from top 1000 search results for some days. One article-two links: One article should be used for extracting 2 links at max. One link can be given in body text and for another author biography can be utilized. Links can be made by using keywords in anchor text. More than two links can be considered as spamming. Many directories won’t allow you to put anchor text in article body. In that situation resource box can be used. But only one link should be given into that resource box. In any situation the search engine should not be given an impression of spamming. If given intentionally or unintentionally, be ready to bear the repercussions. One article-one target URL: Only one URL should be targeted in one particular article. As far as using different keywords is concerned one can target 2 distinct key-phrases as anchor text in an article. But again, both of them should target one URL only. This would be an ideal situation. Targeting different URLs can misguide search engine robots. The above observations are result of various experiments which were made on our as well as client’s websites. We can have a look at these experiments here. Take Aways: Article submission provides us valuable links that help us to improve search engine rankings. Once an article created and submitted, if the content is useful, attracts traffic. As the traffic increases, the page-rank of the page on which article is live also increases. For utilizing this tool, one has to be ethical in practices. Creating useful and genuine articles, submitting it to one directory and fetching 2 useful links from it will help in optimization. Articles at get live within 24 hours. Amazines.comcan be used as an alternative destination for articles submission but it will take 3 to 4 days for your articles to get live. On the contrary, if caught with duplicate content will entitle you for harsh penalties from search engines. So it’s better to ‘play in safe house’ rather than inviting a brood of pains.Visit SEO India for expert SEO services.