Billboard music and video archive
Are you in a quest to find some genuine site that provides very useful information about music and video files? Then you can turn to billboardsvideo. This site gives a really vast database of music and video links which covers almost all of the videos and music compositions that you would expect to get.
Are you in a quest to find some genuine site that provides very useful information about music and video files? Then you can turn to billboardsvideo. This site gives a really vast database of music and video links which covers almost all of the videos and music compositions that you would expect to get. I could find almost all of the music and video files i tried to remember in random. Nothing is missed out if you are looking for the best hundred of those released in a particular year. The best thing about the site is that these files are arranged and sorted in a very good manner and is easy to browse for that you are searching.Different from any other sites,

the music and video files are sorted with great convenience that you can get into the database of files according to the year of release of that particular composition. You can see a year-wise arrangement of files here. The arrangement is flawless and includes hundreds of links to the right places where you can directly get the desired media file. Also, adding to the site's positivity, the media files linked to by this site, are the best of those you can get online. And no errors are reported concerning the availability of the offered links.Let me now tell you about the database. The links are mainly pointed towards the best video-audio sites such as youtube and dailymotion. That's another good thing about this site. That is, the links point to some of the best and convenient sites for viewing the videos and music. They have selected the best 100 of the video releases each year and thus, I'm sure your favorites are gonna come up within that. The Billboard Hot 100 Video Archive gives an idea of that ranked videos.And, further adding to it's advantages, the site supports various popular languages around the world and the user is given the freedom to select the language in which he wants to view the site. The database includes releases from the year 1946 to 2008. So it's obviously the best database you can ever see as it includes the top 100 from each of these 54 years. So, rather than taking the trouble of searching for a particular media file which you are not sure about the name, then if you know the period when it was released, then you can get it easily from here. So, no doubt, thumbs up to