Connect With Your Friend With Yahoo Live Text

Aug 18


Eric Mabulas

Eric Mabulas

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How to use latest yahoo live text features on your mobile phones.


Nowadays,Connect With Your Friend With Yahoo Live Text Articles mobile phones are an essential necessity for each individual, as they utilize it consistently and everywhere. We now rely on upon your mobile phone all work and activities. This technological device helps sort out our day by day activities and schedules. This small device has to solve communication problems, as now is easily reachable and can be the contact for you.  It helps to connect with your friends and sharing video and text with other. It makes live your comfortable and memorable.

So, today we introduce the Yahoo LiveText, it’s an app where you can easily chat, you’re your friends through sharing video and text. It’s a new way to connect with your lovely friends conveniently to send text or SMS and keep them with voice calls with the image expressiveness without sound. We see the video as a way to make your conversations more authentic, and we see the text as a way to connect to your express fast and unobtrusive. We believe that you're really going to love it. 

Basically, “live video texting" app is self-facing a combination of the live video and chat. Each Live text begins as live stream similar to a periscope, and then coated messages typed by the user in real-time, scrolling up upwards like a conventional texting program. Whatever you will watch as per your choice, this app will provide you a spontaneous connection with the people, so you can easily invite them to the real experience moments with you. Your friend’s silly look or giant smile, even her or his eye roll or silent whistle, suddenly become a part of your conversation. Simple conversations are transformed into intense, real and memorable experiences that you can share anytime.

On firing up the app, you are asked to verify your phone number, as well as to give LiveText access to your photos. Thus, you will need to provide it access your camera as well. You can then either add contacts by their LiveText ID, if you know it, or by syncing your contact list to see which of your friends are already using it. LivetText shows you your friends' profile pictures in little circles that you tap a friend's picture to start chatting adequately.

Moreover, as a result, the Live Text is an entirely silent, communicating way that only through video and text. By using this, you can avail into a conversation as quickly as possible with your friends." The app is also momentary, and the good is that it deletes all the chats and video automatically, when you closed the app.

This LiveText, is first appeared earlier this month for you in the Hong Kong and Thailand, Beside but hasn't been available elsewhere before now. For the time being, you can go to the App Store and the Google Play Store to check it out for the app, and let us know that how you are using the Yahoo LiveText app and connect with the person in a better and easy way.