Google Blogger- Create A Blog Step By Step For Beginners Part 2
Creating and maintaining a blog site requires that you schedule some time every week or two for posting. Keeping your blog site fresh and loaded with new information will keep visitors coming back. Navigating the template tab also requires a block of time for learning.
Log back into your blogger account and click on the template tab. You will have a list of choices that include page elements,

fonts and colors, edit HTML, and pick new template. The pick new template tab allows you to totally choose a different layout than you originally had decided on. It is best to be entirely content with your main background before you venture into the page element choices. Not every layout will look well designed if you change the background main layout after you have made your page element placements. If you would like to get a bit adventurous, then click on the fonts and colors tab. Any changes made to the original template can be brought right back by clicking the link revert to template default on the right of the color box, so don't hesitate here to play around. The scroll down box located on the left, shows you the color scheme for your chosen layout as it is at present. To change one of the font colors, click on page background, link color, or any of the specific texts listed in the box. Then click the color choice you would like to see instead and that color will change in your viewer box on the template below. The font style is changed the same way. Click on which text to change and then a new area will open and replace the color box to offer choices for your font text. Be sure to save changes once you are happy with the editing process. Even though we will not be making changes to the HTML tab, let's click on it. Every opportunity to get a look at HTML is an opportunity to learn. It does look like a big mess of typing gibberish, but every time you take a glance at it, you are one step closer to doing it. Onto the page elements tab. Here you will notice a basic layout format for your header, page elements, blog posts, about me, and your blog archives. Every element has an edit button for quick changes at any time. Adding content to the about me section is a good place to start. Click the edit located in the about me section and compose a line or two of interest about your blog or yourself. You can also add and show your geographical location here. Leaving your blog archive as it is is best as well for now. Adding a page element is the next step. Let's click on the add page element on the sidebar just above the blog archive. The choices here are amazing. You can add a photo, video, news reel, a poll, slideshow, or a random list of your favorite anything. There are items I will not be going into as they are more involved, but we will cover the basic ones. If you have an account with PhotoBucket or Flickr or would like to set one up and get a slide show set up to then transfer to your blog, then clicking slide show will get it up for you. To add a photo to your page is very easy if you have a photo or image already on your computer. You would click on browse, look in the file where your image is located, click that image and save. It will load and you can title and caption your image. How about a list of your links to other sites? Click on the add page element and choose the link list. You can link to your business sites, other blog sites, any site that interests you and your blog page viewers on the way. When you have a few page elements saved, you can rearrange the order by right clicking and holding down your button while your mouse is over the element and dragging it to the spot you would like it to be, up or down in the order. Again, be sure to save these changes. Adding a news reel to your blog on a subject of interest to your main subject is an outstanding idea. As you type words into the search expression box, news article types will begin to reveal themselves in this edit page element box related to your text. This is one of the best ways to get content about your topic onto your blog. Adding a poll is great fun and a very easy page element to include. Give yourself some time on many of the other elements as some are more difficult to do. You are ready to view your blog after making the save changes and to start a new post if you have not already. Applause on a job well done. As you add new posts to your blog, this will all come easier and you will gain confidence and get comfortable with the Internet and your computer system.