Blogging for dollars is actually a lot easier then most think if you apply a very specific daily strategy. Let's keep this as simple as possible while making sure you have enough information to start generating an income immediately.
Blogging for dollars is actually a lot easier then most think if you apply a very specific daily strategy.
Let's keep this as simple as possible while making sure you have enough information to start generating an income immediately.
I am assuming you have a blog at this point,
but is it set up for SEO. I can show you how to drive massive traffic to your blog without search engine optimization but that would only set you up for short term income and not financial stability.
Be sure your blog has a central theme with very specific niches and sub niches. You don't want dog grooming on your Internet marketing blog or Google will knock your relevancy way down for all your keywords.
Now realize that Google loves as much content as possible within those sub niches so instead of writing one blog post on one keyword, write several.
If you are creating a post on article writing, perform enough keyword research and find four different keywords within the sub niche of article writing.
Now write all four post, interlink them together with hyperlinks (keyword text links) within each post and watch what happens to your rankings and the amount of free traffic Google sends you.
If we are going to earn serious money online we need thousands of visitors to our blog each day. When we realize that blogging is a small part of the much bigger picture of social media, traffic becomes very simple to create.
To create that kind of traffic we need to understand the different parts to social media and something called a link wheel.
Google is looking for specific backlinks to each blog post your create, we are going to give them those backlinks while creating the massive traffic you need.
The link wheel consist of the following types of social media:
- Social bookmarking sites – Some of these sites would include Digg, Diigo, Delicious and Folkd to mention a few
Web 2.0 Properties – These properties would include Wordpress, Blogger, Mulitpy and Friendster to mention a few
- Social media sites – Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
- Article Directories – EzineAricles, GoArticles and ArticleDashboard to mention a few
We have two major goals when blogging for dollars, the first is traffic and the second is backlinks which will also give us traffic.
The above link wheel begins to help us understand exactly where we are going to get both. Each time you publish a post you need to spend some time syndicating that blog post.
That syndication might start off in the form of which offers a free autosyndication process to 40 of the top social media sites on the Internet.
Be sure to place their bookmark and share button on your tool bar so you can simply click a button to blast your blog post to those 40 sites.
If your true desire is to earn replacement type income you need to have the following within your business.
- A Daily blueprint of very specific strategies that you should implement
- A professional marketing funnel
- A free gift to offer your prospects
- Professional autoresponders
- Capture pages
- A very specific syndication strategy for your blog post that will get your blog in front of hundreds and thousands of people and websites