How to Lower the Cost of Mac Web Hosting
If you’re a Mac user, you most likely love your Mac – a lot. And you probably want to use your Apple device, or Mac software, in everything you do. Th...
If you’re a Mac user,

you most likely love your Mac – a lot. And you probably want to use your Apple device, or Mac software, in everything you do. That’s very natural, as people are usually highly loyal to the type of operating systems they use. However, this loyalty can become a problem if you’re looking for web hosting and you want to use your Mac computer or other Mac device or software with it. That’s because Mac web hosting is simply more expensive and so if you want it, you’ll typically end up paying a lot for it.
But that doesn’t have to be the case. If you understand a little bit about web hosting, and know how to really get what you want out of it, then you can get Mac web hosting for very little. And even cheaper than Windows hosting.
The trick is to not actually sign up for Mac hosting. Finding the first Mac web host and signing up with them may seem like the right thing to do, and it’s what many webmasters are tempted to do when they want to work with a Mac. But it’s this exact kind of hosting that will cost too much. Instead, sign up for Linux hosting – which uses open source software – and still customize it however you need to.
Because Linux is open source software, the operating systems within it can be obtained for free. This doesn’t mean that web hosting will be free; simply that you won’t have to pay additional fees for the operating system as you would with Windows. Within Linux you can then search around for the different types of software and programs that resemble Mac, or that can be used with your own Mac devices. If you’re unsure of what software will allow it, ask your web host who will be sure to know.
It’s true that using Linux, or even Unix, isn’t technically using Mac web hosting; that is, it’s not web hosting that’s run off of a Mac server. But, Linux web hosting will still let you make all the customizations you want to your website; and perhaps even more importantly, it’s much cheaper than any kind of Mac web hosting you can find. And that’s if you can find it.
Mac web hosting that uses only Mac servers can be very difficult to find. This is because Mac web servers are more costly than other types of web servers, and many web hosts don’t want to make the investment in them. There are still some that do, and do a very good job of it of course, but finding a web host that offers Linux web hosting is definitely much easier.
If you’re really dedicated to using Mac products, then don’t settle for anything else. But if you love the idea of being able to use your Mac devices, and be in an environment that will let you use third-party software while still being budget-friendly, Linux web hosting is something you need to look into.