Keywords have a profound affect on your search engine positioning. Learn where to find quality keywords.
The copy on your Internet business website should contain keywords. What are keywords? Keywords are words and phrases that Internet visitors typically type into search engines. For example, a website visitor may type “Internet Marketing” into the Google search engine. Google then searches for websites that contain these keywords. The placement of each website in the search engine results relies on a variety of factors including page rank. Therefore, it is important to have quality keywords that relate to your niche.
Where can you find the best keywords for your niche? You can use free keyword software from You can download this software onto your computer. It is simple to use. You type in a keyword phrase and the software will have a list of keyword suggestions.
Each keyword suggestion will have a number next to it which represents that number of times the keyword was searched for on Overture. Five times this number is a conservative estimate of the number of times Internet visitors searched for the keyword last month. Ten times this number is an optimistic estimate. This will help you to figure out which keywords are used more often by Internet visitors.
You can then copy and paste all the keyword phrases to note pad on your computer.
Besides your website, where else would you use keywords? You use keywords in your Google Adwords program. You will bid on keyword phrases in Google Adwords. Your advertisement will be listed under the “sponsored ads” in the search engine results. Strive to have your advertisement in the second and third position. The first position is not optimal because it usually has junk clicks.
Google Adwords is a great program to use because you only pay when people actually click on your advertisement. These clicks are motivated leads as they are the result of a search by a keyword. The Internet user is looking specifically for products and/or services that relate to that niche. Plus, Google Adwords is free to set up and covers Google, Earth Link, and AOL.
Google Adwords is not the only program you can use. One comparable program can be found at under “Advertising”. Microsoft also offers a comparable program called “Ad Center” at This is a powerful program as it lets you set criteria such as location, age, and gender.
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