Most folks who are new to the Internet and want to start a business tend to be really concerned that they just don't have the skills to compete. Some folks who are already familiar with the Internet and business just need a little extra incentive to learn some new skills.
How are your Internet Skills? Are you just getting started on the Internet? Or are you already familiar with the Internet and business, and you just need that extra "push" to learn some new skills?
I recommend a concept to you. Its called "Being a Lifelong Learner". Lifelong learners never fail. Why? Because they define 'failure' differently than most. They define failure as a failure to learn.
When a project does not go according to plan, lifelong learners ask themselves "What can I learn from this?" and follow up with "How can I do this differently and achieve my outcome?" They do not say, 'I did not get to my goal, so I must be a failure'. Like I said, failure just isn't in the vocabulary.
Skills are transferable. Lets say this is your very first business venture. And lets suppose the worst case scenario happens: You put up a website and no one comes or you try and market a product and few want it. You do every marketing thing imaginable and there just isn't much of an audience. You spent months putting this together and your monetary rewards are few. So what do you have at the end of the day? (By the way, this does happen to the most experienced and savvy entrepreneurs out there -- just not very often!)
Look at your skill set. How much have you learned so far about the business that you are currently involved in? Isn't it true that any business venture that you would be involved in today would perform much better than a business venture you entered into when you were missing any one of these skills you now have?
There is a wonderful saying in Network Marketing "The only way to fail is to quit!" Robert Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" said on stage in Phoenix, Sept 2001, "The only reason I am standing up here and you aren't is that I have failed more often than you have."
Its sad but true that our greatest lessons come from our greatest failures. The important thing is the lesson. And as I said above, "Failure is a failure to learn."
Your skills and your mindset are your keys to freedom. They are precious and need to be nourished and protected.
Every time I sit down to write I know that I am that much closer to my financial and personal goals. And I am already one of the fortunate ones who lives my ideal life. I know beyond any doubt that it has been this rare combination of being a Lifelong Learner and my willingness to change my beliefs that has created this powerful and wonderful life I lead.
You have an ideal life worth living. Keep working on those Internet skills and be ruthless with any false belief about yourself that keeps you from living the life you dream.
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