Find places to meet people! This article will provide suggestions on some of the top 10 places you can go to do just that!
Meet people! Get out of your house! You can not meet people in your house! (You can online,

but we are talking about old school right now.) The following are some suggestions for meeting people:
Spiritual organizations…church, moss, etc.
Work shops, classes
College associations
Small business development centers (SBDC)
Chamber of Commerce
Sporting events
Rotary, Lions, Elks and Moose Clubs
Trade organizations
State and National trade shows
Cultural events
You can serve on committees and organizations that you have interest in; become a board member or chair a committee, volunteer to help, or be a greeter to help direct people. You know what your schedule is like. Be careful not to join everything to where you have no time to build your business. I would recommend one committee, maybe two, if they only meet once or twice a month.
Networking tips:
Be early and stay late.
Always keep the conversation positive.
Stand up when meeting someone new.
Handle major business deals at a later date.
Never talk negative about others.
Learn the art of meet, talk, get number, next.
Do not…do not act desperate for business.
Be excited about being there.
Take some time to read up on the current events or at least read up on some general information about that event. In other words, if you are going to a computer event and you know nothing about computers, do a little research about computers to at least have a general knowledge base on computers and how they work.
If you will get out and meet new people and develop a relationship with these people, you will be on your way to developing many new friends.