Authentic Database On California Marriage License Records
California marriage records are accessed for many reasons. Genealogical studies, background verification, supporting official undertaking and so on but the most usual reason for getting it is marital history check on a partner or on that behalf.
In the state of California,

which is the biggest in the United States with 36 million people, the marriage rate is at its lowest with just 5 marriages per a 1000 people. California Marriage License Records are stored by the California Department of Health Office of Vital Records. Seen in the records are marriage licenses application and marriages by county, name and ate. The CPDH does not record details if a marriage is between individuals of the opposite sex or not.The CPDH gives out 2 classifications of certified copies which are namely Authorized copies and Informational copies. Both are certified and are recognized by the state as public records, which makes it available for the public to view and copy. Authorized copies can be acquired by the registrant/parent/legal guardian; party given the right to receive as a result of court order; member of law enforcement or government agencies, as stated by law, who is doing official business; Attorney of registrant or anyone allowed by the statute. Informational copies have the same content as of an Authorized copy, except there's a line written across the copy saying, "INFORMATIONAL, NOT A VALID DOCUMENT TO ESTABLISH IDENTITY".All public records in California are found at the Public Health Office or can also be requested through email. The CPDH only accepts requests passed through mail. 6 steps need to be followed to make an order with CPDH Vital Records: see if you can get an Authorized copy or Informational copy; download a pamphlet for getting certified copies; download and fill out the application form; find out certified copy fee (usually costs $14.00). Mail your request to CPDH Vital records and mail to California Department of Public Health, Vital records – MS 5103, P.O. Box 997410, Sacramento, CA 95899-7410.Unfortunately, getting these records can take a long time. The California Office of Vital Statistics estimates about 6 months when processing requests for these records and advices that people go directly to county offices to view and ask copies.Commercial public record brokers are more knowledgeable when it comes to public records. They develop and maintain live databases so people can sight instant marriage records for free. Live databases are very useful for most people because of 4 advantages: one - it requires lesser time and effort; two - records are authentic, correct, valid and always updated; three - web service are more intensive and does not focus only on marriage and divorce records; four - it provides fast and reliable search since the information does not come from one locale only.California Marriage Records are acquired because of a number of reasons. It is used for Genealogical studies, background verification, supporting official undertaking and so on and so forth, but the most common is for marital history check on a partner or on that behalf.