California Marriage Records Free Database Online
Requesting for marriage licenses online is now available. This has made the retrieval process of such documents a breeze. With this, there is no need to go to any office just to file the request. One can request for the record anywhere that has Internet connection and the results are displayed in a matter of seconds instead of days.
The Freedom of Information Act which has been in place in the state of California has made it an open state. Such law has mandated the local government to allow the local residents to access their personal files. One of the documents that the people can access is the California Marriage Records. There are several reasons as to why the residents request for a copy of their marriage records. It is one of the important sources of information when conducting a genealogy research. A marriage certificate has information that can help in updating the family tree record. With this,

one would be able to know about their ancestors and origins. Marriage records are also used in dealing with transactions in the government. One of the transactions that require such document would be insurance related request. A marriage certificate contains information about the marriage of a couple. As the name implies, it has details about where the marriage took place and when it happened. The complete names of the bride and the groom as well as their parents are also indicated on the record. Details about their birth can also be found on the certificate. The names of the witnesses of the marriage are also indicated on the public document.Not just anybody can obtain a copy of a marriage certificate. Only the bride or the groom as well the relatives are given access to the record. Others can request for the record of other people but they have to secure an authorization from the couple themselves. The request form has to be filled out completely with all of the important information needed to help in the search process. The requesting individual will be asked to provide their contact details upon requesting for a document. This will be used to easily track the document. A $14 processing fee has to be paid in order to gain access to the requested marriage certificate. Only records from July 1905 are available at the office of the Vital Records Section. Marriages that took place in 1987-1995 can only be requested at the county clerk office where the couple got married. A mail order can also be sent to the state office if going to the office is not possible for some reason. However, one should be aware that this method takes longer and can take several days to get the requested file from the office. If waiting is not an option and going to the office is also not possible, the best solution would be to go online to request for the marriage license. Marriage licenses are now easier to obtain these days. This is all thanks to the Internet. With this, one can just log onto a website and request for the record from there thus there is no need to go anywhere just to file the request. The results are also faster since it can be obtained in just seconds instead of days. There are a lot of websites that offer to search for the record without charging a single penny but the results may not be as accurate compared to the paid search. This is the reason why many would still prefer to go for the paid service.