Divorce Attorney: Advanced Websites
After the initial construction of your website, there are a number of things that a divorce attorney can do to improve. The goal is to provide more information to your potential clients.
A website can be crucial to marketing your law firm. While many corporate firms have websites simply to provide contact information and perhaps some background knowledge and history of the law firm,

a divorce attorney probably uses the site in order to attract new business that has never previously known or heard of the firm or the lawyers that practice there. For these types of potential clients, there are a number of things that you can do, even sometimes without knowing a lot about websites, to convey to your audience the types of services that you provide in an interesting and engaging fashion.
Before you begin doing any advanced techniques, it is probably more important that you, at minimum, cover the basics. In other words, you should probably offer your potential clients who are seeking your assistance as divorce attorney information about yourself and the practice areas that you offer.
Additionally, you will likely need to make sure that your location information in addition to an easily recognizable way along with your phone number or other means of contacting you. For those wishing to send an email, it is often quick and easy to add a contact box function to the site.
More advanced features can generally be described as things that could make a person desiring legal assistance stay longer on your site, learning more both about you and the law. One thing that could be considered an advanced feature would be to have a child support calculator that is able to provide general information on what a person in your local area could expect to pay in child support were a court to issue a ruling on the matter. (You should be able to find programs to convert xml files into html, so this should not be too challenging).
Another interesting idea for a divorce attorney is describe your legal biography using colorful and fun images. Remember, explaining things to a prospective client can be a lot like making your case to a court or judge. When you go to court, it can be routine to have exhibits in order to help make your case. A very similar principle seems to apply here, too, that in order to attract more clients you may need to be more dramatic in how you present yourself to them.
There are other features that are probably trickier to do well. For the time being, videos do not seem to be a great idea, as they can appear to be too ingenuous.
The above material is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional legal advice and should not be construed as such. Will Beaumont practices law in New Orleans, LA, and Metairie, LA.