Divorce Attorney Phone Book Advertising
Advertising in the phone book has greatly diminished as far as importance of it goes. It still could be valuable to have a listing, though, at least for the medium term.
One of the most important ways for a divorce attorney to get clients is through advertising. With the massive influx of people (and your potential clients) using the internet,

it is possible to think that the field of marketing and getting your message out has forever changed with this new edition. This can make one wonder what the value is currently in spending your advertising dollars to market your law firm or yourself as a lawyer in your local phone directory.
Before going into the value of the phone directory, it should be noted first how the advertising market has changed. The internet played a huge role in this, and, to some extent, allowed newer law firms to begin to compete at or near the same level as some older firms. Beginning a couple of years ago, internet use expanded to the point where its use became ubiquitous. This in turn allowed users to get more information on their lawyer or counselor at law as compared to other sources of advertisement. This is because it can be possible to post online a lot of information about your law practice and about the area of law that you focus on, among other things. With potential clients more informed about their choices, it became more useful to its users and more important for lawyers to have a presence. The popularity of the internet for selecting legal counsel has been popular, and there is little indication that this is going away.
But this is not the only way of getting clients, and relying solely on this way of getting clients for your divorce attorney practice does not necessarily seem to be a safe idea just yet. There are a number of other ways that have worked for many lawyers in the past and could conceivable work still in the future. These include radio ads, billboards, and television commercials, in addition to newspapers, magazines, and other forms of mass media.
Alas, how does the phone book feature in the marketing of a divorce attorney? There is a good chance that your local directory has numerous large, color ads for local family lawyers in your area. These can be expensive. In addition to this, there are probably even more, smaller ads offering this type of legal representation which are probably more affordable to solo practitioner just starting out. Perhaps, though, what is most worth considering is at minimum a bold listing under divorce attorney. This should not be that expensive and, intuitively, it seems that it would be easiest to be able to get the highest return on investment in this tool, which many people still use. In other words, while the internet is popular, this does not mean that the phone book is completely not used anymore. So, if you can find a low cost option to get you information before the people looking for the type of services that you offer, why not go with it?
The above material is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional legal advice and should not be construed as such. Will Beaumont practices law in New Orleans, LA, and Metairie, LA.