How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help Even the Most Innocent People
Even if you assume you will never break a law, you might find yourself in need of a criminal defense attorney someday. Find out what might land you in legal trouble.
You might assume that you will never need a criminal defense attorney,

as you generally obey the law and consider yourself too old or mature to get into legal trouble. However, there are things you could be accused of without even doing anything wrong. You may be surprised at the accusations that can be made at even the most innocent people. Learn a few things that you may face, in which case you will need a lawyer.
If you have kids, you probably know that there are hidden dangers all over the place, just waiting to injure them. Fortunately, they are usually fine, as they tend to be resilient and heal well from falls or other minor accidents. Sadly, though, you may find yourself accused of hurting them if the wrong person sees their injuries. Perhaps your child's teacher sees some bruising that looks extreme to him or her. Maybe someone overhears your child talking about a time when he or she was left alone in a room for a few minutes, long enough to get hurt. Such misunderstandings can lead to serious accusations. If you are dealing with the devastating accusation of having hurt your own children, you will need a criminal defense attorney to keep you out of trouble. After all, your kids need you to stay out of jail.
Family gatherings and weddings both tend to call for a little indulgence in alcohol. Unfortunately, many states have a zero tolerance policy, so even after a couple glasses of wine or beer with dinner can land you in trouble if you decide to drive home afterward. The consequences are even more severe if you have your family in the car after a couple of drinks, as a DUI with minors present is often a felony. If you have been accused of drinking and driving, you will need to contact a criminal defense attorney fast. Otherwise, your license may be taken away and you might even face jail time.
Inviting some neighbors over to get to know each other is usually an innocent gathering, until someone gets injured. If someone gets hurt on your property, and your homeowner's insurance is not enough to cover the medical bills, you can be sued. In fact, the injured party can take your house to cover the bills, so you need to be represented by a criminal defense attorney. Otherwise, you may end up broke, without a place for your family to live, through no fault of your own.
Clearly, a lawyer is not just needed by people who are constantly in trouble with the law. A legal representative can be quite useful for people with families, who never expect to be accused of breaking any laws. If you neglect to find a lawyer, you could end up paying huge fines, spending time in jail, and of course, having to live with a crime or two on your record. This is why it is important to take any accusation seriously enough to talk to a criminal defense attorney.