Is Contesting speeding tickets a fools game
To some, contesting speeding tickets may seem like a fool’s game: “What’s the point,” they may say, “It’s just a little speeding ticket.” Or “What’s t...
To some,

contesting speeding tickets may seem like a fool’s game: “What’s the point,” they may say, “It’s just a little speeding ticket.” Or “What’s the matter can’t pay it?” All these may seem like effective taunts ready to drive the otherwise inclined into submission, compliance, and the line at the post office to make sure their ticket gets the correct post date.Was this Article Helpful? Then Click Here for Tips and Advice on Beating the SOCKs OFF of any Speeding TicketClick here to Visit beating-a-speeding-ticket.comBut no! I’ll tell you this is wrong. These are not reasons well enough to pay a ticket you don’t deserve. In fact, you should never be driven into submission, forced into a thing you don’t agree with and are not liable for. But contesting speeding tickets holds a special place in the annals of history; not merely because it’s wrong, but because I’ve been wrongly accused before. I’ve done just like you where I turn and shrug and give them their money, but I’ve also seen what the result is; how insurance goes up, how expensive it can be; and I’ve gotten help. I’ve challenged the system and never looked back.Contesting speeding tickets is basically saying to the officer in question, “No, you were wrong. I was not going too fast. Your equipment was either mistaken or you’ve pulled over my car because it was red or the fender was busted up or whatever other reason you can think of that’s just wrong.”Which you have the inalienable right to do. Which is a right you need to exorcise at any point you feel you’re being taken advantage of. Which is the way it should always be? In America, home of the free, land of the brave.While I’ll always encourage you to fight any repressive system that’s trying to hold you back, there are a few things you should remember.Time and Place: If you’ve rationally stated your case to a completely disinterested officer, you need to remember that on the side of the road, once you’ve just been pulled over, and in the heat of the moment is not the time to engage in violent screaming, demand to see his badge, try and throw down in a fisticuffs as that officer then has every right to put you in a vice and let you sleep it off downtown in a cell. You’ve thus supremely weakened your case. Which is why you need to thank the officer, accept the ticket, drive away slowly and wait for? Collect your thoughts. Later, or the next day. Outside your vehicle once you’ve had time to reflect; this is the time to take stock, “Was I going too fast?” If the answer is still “No! I was wronged,” you need to Write a letter. A preemptive move I’ve learned by years and years of getting tickets. Have someone help you organize your thoughts into a terse, fact filled wonderland of a letter where you give your version of events. This is a chance to avoid the last leg of contesting a speeding ticketGo to court. While it’s not glamorous, these are your rights we’re talking about here. And if you’ve been wronged, you need to be righted. You’ll get a case number, a court date, and you can get all gussied up and go in and plead your case.