Making A Personal Injury Claim Is More Difficult Than You Think

Nov 29


Graham Bowall

Graham Bowall

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It is a sad fact that in the fast paced life that we lead today accidents are increasing and they could happen to anybody. If you have been the victim of an accident then it is your right to pursue a personal injury claim.

Suffering a personal injury happens to over three million people each year and can be very traumatic for them and their families. The world moves at a very fast pace these days and stress is at an all time high so the potential for an accident at work or other kind have injury has risen dramatically. If you think about it there are numerous places that you could suffer an injury like in a public place,Making A Personal Injury Claim Is More Difficult Than You Think Articles at your place of work or in a road traffic collision. If one of these events have happened to you and you were entirely blameless then you are well within your rights to make an injury compensation claim.

Once an injury has occurred to you it cannot be reversed of course but by making a compensation claim you at least redress the balance in some respects. You have to take into consideration the short and long term effects of the injury and the effect it will have on your life and those close to you. It is not beyond reason to expect a lengthy process of hospital appointments which will be time consuming and could come with a high cost. It could also mean that your income may have dried up if you cannot attend your place of work and this could be a disaster for your family. If the injury is very serious then you may not be able to work ever again. Some injuries like whiplash can be treated as not serious because there are no visible signs but this can really affect you in later life.

Once you have decided to make a claim then it is highly advisable to enlist the services of a competent no win no fee solicitor who will look at every aspect of your situation and will then agree or not to represent you and supply you with the reasons for the decision. If you think that you can put together a convincing claim yourself and save money think again. It is a complex process and without the help of a competent lawyer you are very likely to fail. Personal injury solicitors understand the law very well and a lot of them have considerable experience which makes it easy for them to piece together your case and give you the best chance of winning. It is likely that they will add a number of claims to your overall case that you would never have thought of because of the experience that they bring from handling past compensation cases. It is highly advisable to read the agreement fully before hiring the solicitor to represent you.

Your first job is to find out if you qualify for the no win no fee agreement and if so then you need to fully understand how this works as it can vary considerably from firm to firm. In quite a few cases there will be no need for you to pay any costs to the lawyer whether you win or lose your case. If the case is successful then they will claim their costs from the third party involved. Some no win no fee contracts include a success fee which is paid to the solicitor from your compensation so watch out for that one. Some people are reluctant to make a claim for injury compensation but at the end of the day you have to look after yourself and your family. If your injury is severe enough you could be facing a life of poverty and hardship if you do not act quickly. There is a time limit of three years after the accident to pursue a claim and there really is no time to waste.