Personal Injury Attorney Compensation
How to determine your maximum compensation with a personal injury attorney.
For many individuals that have been the victims of injury to their person based on the action or inaction of another individual or corporation,

one of the biggest questions on their mind is how much their case might be worth in a court of law. When considered with all of the facts and proceedings, how much would a judge or jury award them for their pain, suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and other financial burdens that have made their life more difficult since the accident. One of the main jobs of a personal injury attorney is to determine how much your case is worth and then fight for every penny in a court of law.
The first thing any personal injury attorney will do when reviewing your case is determine the maximum amount that your insurance claim could potentially be worth. This is the big settlement number that you could possible receive if the other party is determined to be fully and 100% at fault. Not all cases end up with one party being 100% at fault, but some do. In those situations, the judge or jury often award the plaintiff with a large sum of money to cover their medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other costs associated with the injury.
Somewhat more commonly, both parties are determined to be partially at fault and the compensation may be divided from those figures. For example, if the defendant is determined to be 80% at fault and the plaintiff is determined to be 20% at fault, then the judge or jury may award 80% of the medical bills, pain and suffering, and other financial expenses in their final decision. This is often less than ideal because the injured party is left to cover 20% of their total bills and lost wages.
In a perfect world, there would be no such thing as personal injury or need for a personal injury attorney. However, accidents happen every day and they often happen to innocent parties and result in significant pain, suffering, medical bills, lost wages, and other financial or emotional burdens for the injured party. In these situations, it is important to have a personal injury attorney that can fight for your rights and ensure you get the fair and just compensation that you and your family deserve in order to get on with your life and put the accident behind you. Find someone you can trust with your medical expenses and lost wages today.