Personal Injury Attorney Needed After Dog Bite

Sep 16


Andrew Stratton

Andrew Stratton

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If you’ve been bitten by a dog, you may need to call in a personal injury attorney. There are various reasons why a dog might turn vicious.

Dog bites can be lethal and when this occurs,Personal Injury Attorney Needed After Dog Bite Articles a personal injury attorney may need to be called in. Dogs can have varying temperaments and levels of wildness in them. Yes, they are supposed to be man’s best friend, but there are many situations which turn them into just the opposite. We may think that these pups are all about companionship and many of them are. But they are still animals with a mouthful of sharp fangs which can turn into deadly weapons at a moment’s notice. Here are some of the reasons why Rover has gone wolf:

- Breeding: Some breeds have had it bred into them to be fighters. While this is not always the case, certain breeds like Pit Bull, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, and Doberman Pinscher have been known to become ferocious and kill or maim children and adults. Some regions have outlawed these breeds altogether. Many insurance companies won’t insure homes where these breeds are owned.

- Training: Some canines have been trained to hurt people or other animals. Humans might think they’re training their animal to be a protector but protection can turn to aggression and injury nightmares can result.

- Food aggressive: Some animals are food aggressive which means that if anyone or anything comes between them and their food, they will attack. Even if a person doesn’t intend to interrupt their meal, the perception alone is enough to trigger an attack.

- Abused animal: Some pups have been abused by humans and now defend themselves much too aggressively. If a former owner with a baseball cap used to beat his dog, that dog may always try to bite guys with baseball caps.

- Mama bear mentality: Mothers go nuts when protecting their young. This doesn’t just include bears. It includes birds, cats, dogs and even humans. Don’t mess with mama or her chicks, kittens, puppies, cubs or babies or there will be heck to pay.

What can pet owners do to curtail the problem? Pet owners are the ones responsible if their dog hurts someone. Here are a few steps they could take to keep this situation from occurring in the first place:

- Train them: When a person owns a canine, it’s his or her responsibility to take them to behavioral trainers or do it themselves. Dogs must learn who the boss or alpha is or they will constantly test the waters and get out of line.

- Leash them: When out in public, pups should be on a leash. This is the law and responsible pet ownership.

- Contain them: Canines shouldn’t be left to roam the neighborhood without their masters. You may think your pet is nice but you don’t know how Rover will react to strangers. Keep them in your house or inside a fence. If you want to let them out, go with them and keep them leashed.

Dogs can be wonderful companions if their human owners take proper care of them. If a person gets bitten by a wild and unruly pet, a personal injury attorney can straighten out the medical bills and more.