The Castle Law is one of the most interesting Self-Defense laws that exists in the United States but is largely derived from the English Common Law. T...
In various states the law has different limitations for instances in which the Castle Doctrine can be used, and what degree of retreat or non-deadly resistance (if any) is required before the usage of deadly force. At first the occupants of the house must be in the house legally. If the occupants of the house are fugitives or are using the Doctrine to assist fugitives their actions are not justified by the doctrine. Generally the doctrine can be used against a person who is trying (or tried) to unlawfully and/or forcibly enter the Castle (home, business or car). Police officers can enter the house only after a valid warrant was presented to the owner, in other cases it is illegal. That’s why in most of the movies, when a policemen in the U.S is entering the house for some unlawful investigation he can be shot on sight. The occupants of the house must also reasonably believe that the intruder intends to inflict serious bodily harm or death or intends to commit some other felony, such as arson or burglary. Also if the intrusion was provoked by the occupants of the house, the following use of any force may not be justifiable. The Castle Doctrine itself is a very interesting law mechanism that is definitely one of the cornerstones of the citizens rights in the United States, still this stone is very often used not in the way it was supposed to and even during the last years it triggered few controversial lawsuits.
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