The Various Types of Child Custody
Your child custody attorney can help you sort out the different types of child custody and how to get the best for your family.
If you are in need of a child custody attorney,

you may be in the middle of heated divorce proceedings. In order to ensure that the squabbles between you and your spouse do not affect your children, it is important to sort out child custody issues promptly and professionally.
It is in the parents’ best interests to avoid all conflict and confusion when it comes to matters with the kids. This will help the children settle into the new situation more quickly and with less stress. There are four main types of child custody and the arrangement agreed upon through your child custody attorney should be the best for the kids involved.
When most people refer to child custody, they are talking about physical custody. This is the most common type of custody. The child custody attorney ensures that the child or children live with one of the parents full-time. Physical custody can be joint or sole.
Joint physical custody is common when parents remain in the same city or area after the divorce. Sole physical custody is most often appointed to the mother and is a situation in which the father has certain visitation rights. Alternatively, the mother may be deemed unfit and sole physical custody may go to the father.
Legal custody of a child is often related to physical custody and refers to the ability of a parent to make legal decisions regarding the child or children’s health, education, religion, punishment and general upbringing.
The mother or father with legal custody has a lot of decision-making power and courts often award parents joint legal custody even if only one parent has sole physical custody. This ensures that the parent that does not have physical custody can still have input in the decisions that shape their child’s life. Courts do not often grant one parent sole legal custody because they believe that it is inherently better to have two parents looking out for the child instead of one.
Contact a child custody attorney today in your area. They will be able to answer any questions you may have and ensure the court system takes good care of your children. Even when husbands and wives have problems that push them apart and break up their marriage, children should not be caught in the middle and used as bargaining pieces. Kids deserve to grow up in healthy homes. Ensure you get the best for your kids with the right child custody attorney.