Tens of thousands of insurance policy holders make claims every year. One company has repeatedly and categorically led most other insurers in refusing...
Tens of thousands of insurance policy holders make claims every year. One company has repeatedly and categorically led most other insurers in refusing to make payments to their customers. If you think you are currently dealing with a Unum claims denial,

this article will walk you through some of their unsavory tactics and what your recourse might be in order to successfully receive compensation.
While the insurance industry, like most others, deals with a certain amount of fraud, legal records show Unum has a systematic pattern of denying a large percentage legitimate claims made to their company. Only Allstate Insurance has more denials of claims.
These folks are crafty, and can weave intricate webs that ultimately cheat you out of deserved benefits. Following are just some of the tactics they've used in order to prevent their company from having to pay out on claims. Various court proceedings and other legal interactions show patterns of lying, denying, stalling and even terminating policies to keep from making benefits payments.
If you're attempting to deal directly with this company, understand and be aware they may try to make unauthorized changes to your policy after you file a claim with them. Often times these changes are made without your knowledge or any sort of proper notification.
There's a reason your policy is written with strict legal terminology and in ways that allow for Unum to misinterpret the contract's true meaning. If they are able to convince you that you failed to understand something which you signed, they won't make a payment on your benefit claim.
If you're fortunate enough to not have them insist that a claim you're making is not a pre-existing medical condition, be wary of the fact the company has been shown to misinterpret medical records in their attempts to keep from making payments. With their years of experience and patterns of denial, Unum knows how to sound confident and make its policy holders believe that whatever they're asking for is not covered under the terms of the agreement.
Many insurance companies will make legitimate use of investigators, surveillance and even access co-workers in order in insure the claimant is making true representations in their case. Unum, however has repeatedly used these tools and tactics in order to force or otherwise coerce legitimate claimants into positions which can be interpreted as illegitimate.
They'll try to wear you down. Some of their tactics are to submit you to an overwhelming amount of paperwork and forms, or they require you to have numerous so-called independent medical examinations. If you're getting the feeling of run around and are not seeing any progress towards resolution, be aware this may be what they are after. Don't give up and let a Unum claims denial happen to you.
A particularly devious and underhanded way they can attempt to discredit you is with their use of unqualified witnesses or alleged experts. These people provide statements and testimony that cause many claimants to simply drop their actions long before the company ever has to go to court or even come close to making a payment.
Also realize that it can be profitable for Unum to make a partial payment on a claim. By either failing to make additional payments or recycling your claim subsequent to further examination, they low ball pay outs keeping your money to themselves.
Even with a history of failed legal battles, Unum claims denial has persisted. You need to know and understand your rights as a policy holder. The best way for you to gain this knowledge is to seek out qualified and proven legal representation. Find a firm that has a track record of successful litigation and award payment before you give up your fight.