Do you want to motivate and have a good relationship with the people in your team? This article reveals a "must do" tactic to make your life easier.
Has this ever happened to you? You go to speak to your boss,or a colleague, a friend or even someone in your family andyou feel they're not listening. How does that make you feel- not very good I suspect.
When I bring this up in a team motivation seminar, somemanagers start to feel a litle bit uncomfortable.
If you want to motivate and have a good relationship withthe people in your team, your customers, colleagues, friendsand family, then you need to be a good listener.
You need to look and sound like you're listening. When faceto face you need to look interested, nod your head and keepgood eye contact. Over the phone you need to make theoccasional - "Uh-Huh - I see."
I've seen managers, when faced with a problem from a teammember, start to do something else, like work on thecomputer. I've also heard managers say - "It's okay, I cando two things at once, I can listen to you and work on thecomputer."
Maybe you can, but the message your team member gets is -"My problem isn't that important, my manager just isn'tinterested."
When you're spending time with people you need to give themyour full attention. You need to look them in the eye,concentrate on them and make them feel that what they say isimportant and deserves your attention.
As well as looking interested in your team member's or yourcustomer's problem, it's a good idea to write it down. I'vefallen into the trap of thinking - "I'll remember that whenI get back to the office and I'll check on it." However, oneperson I was with said - "You wont do anything about whatI've said Alan because you wont remember it." From thatpoint on I wrote things down. It's also a good idea to paraphrase - to repeat back whatthe person has said to ensure your understanding and letthem know you've been listening.
It may seem like a simple thing but it's very important touse names. You could say in response to a problem from ateam member - "I'll speak to the accounts department aboutthat."
Its far better to say - "I'll speak to the accountsdepartment about that Susan, thank you for bringing it to myattention." That's a much better way for a motivatingmanager to act.
A person's name is one of the warmest sounds they hear. Itsays - "I recognise you as an individual." However, don'toverdo it as it may come across as patronising.
So just some food for thought - many people believe that tobe a good motivator you need to be a good speaker when infact - you need to be a great listener.
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