15 ways to repurpose content and add more value
As a busy entrepreneur, you are probably creating articles, programs and teleclasses to provide value and attract more clients. But did you know your materials have more life to them than a one-time use?
To make the most of your productivity,

you want to find ways to leverage these creations to get even more out of them. I’m going to share a number of the ways you can repurpose your materials to make them work harder for you.
1. Combine blog posts to create an ebook
2. Record yourself reading your ebook to make an audio product
3. Have your recorded teleclass transcribed into an ebook
4. Record yourself reading a blog post and post the audio to iTunes
5. Convert your ebook into a Kindle or Nook ebook
6. Write a series of articles for your blog, and then create a home study course out of them
7. Record a teleclass to promote a new program and then have it edited to be a bonus recording for another program
8. Convert a teleclass series into a home study course
9. Videotape a live workshop and sell it as a new product for those who couldn’t make the live event
10. Keep copies of your recorded interviews and create a resource library for a membership site
11. Create a video series for YouTube from a series of articles that were first on your blog
12. Add your video series to the library on your membership site
13. Start recording video ezines and then add those videos to your membership site as well
14. Run a Q&A teleclass and let each segment inspire you to write an article for your blog
15. Write articles to post on article directories and reuse them for guest blog posts on other bloggers’ sites
This is really the tip of the iceberg in terms of repurposing your materials. I’m sure you can think of many more. Why work hard when you can leverage what you have already created? Be smart to make the most of your time.
Your Client Attraction Assignment
What materials do you already have completed? Now think of five different ways you could use them again to stretch their value and leverage your efforts.