It is not as easy as some of these GURU's make you believe. Don't expect to buy one of these thousands of programs and instantly make money. Afffiliate Marketing has worked before with these tips and will work again
First. Writing Unique Web Pages.
Having multiple pages written for each products improves the chances of customers fining themYou will always be able to give a better review about the product if you actually purchase it yourself.This gives you a better chance of sounding believable to your prospects.This always helps selling products.Then you can write articles explaining how it all works and how to use it best.Testimonials are usually good for conversions, but do not make up false ones!!Headlines are designed to get the reader interested with the ultimate aim of getting a sale.
Second: Supply Free Reports or a ongoing Newsletter.
Your free report must be easily seen by the visitor so they will see it. Your Autoresponder should be set up to immediately start send out your newsletter series. Your sit visitors will do 1 of 2 things. 1. They will stay for quite a while and buy your product. Or 2. Move to another Website and not return. Make the newsletter something they really need to have.
Your content should eventually point your prospects to your money page. You should focus on how this product will improve their life.
Purchases are generally made after apparently 7 visits - Someone comes up with these stats. If a customer is looking for your exact product, she may buy it straight off. Customers find exactly what they are looking for on your site and buy it.
Third: You only want targetted Traffic:
If you have a lot of hits on your website, then most of them could be useless. Targetted Traffic is all you should be chasing. The Targetted Traffic is going to bring you people with money to spend. Article writing is one way to get you site noticed by a lot of people. Someone keeps statistics on how many people a day you need to make a sale, so they can be looked up if you like. However I think they are skewed because of all the sights that don't sell anything or have hundreds of keywords.
It does take up a lot of your time writing articles Getting articles written in India or The Phillipines are always available. They can be written for as little as i cent per word. However much you pay for these articles - you will always get what you pay for!!
When you implement these 3 tips, your chsnces of making a sale will increase. If you have more than 1 websites, try changing these tips around a bit to see which ones work best.