6 Easy Ways to Promote Your Ezine ... Jinger ... you think you can't brand yourself because you're not a ... think ... can easily ... yourself as an expert by wr
6 Easy Ways to Promote Your Ezine Articles
by Jinger Jarrett
If you think you can't brand yourself because you're not a major
corporation, think again.
You can easily establish yourself as an expert by writing
quality articles and submitting them to ezines and directories.
Even if you think you aren't an article writer, you can still
create quality articles to help you promote your writing,
whether it's your latest novel, ebook, freelancing or business.
First, there are two types of articles that are easy for anyone
to write: lists and step-by-step instructions.
Second, write what you know. If you know your subject well,
whether it's fiction, business or auto mechanics, you have
hundreds, maybe thousands of topics you can write about.
Make your information valuable. No one knows your subject the
way you do. Give it your unique perspective.
Once you've written that great article, you need to find places
to promote it. It doesn't matter how good your article is if no
one reads it.
There are several ways you can do this.
1. Include it in your newsletter. Readers love original content,
and original content is a terrific way to keep your readers
coming back.
2. Archive it on your site. Make your article available from
your site for newsletter publishers to download. Give
instructions on how to download your articles. Make it as easy
as possible to download your articles.
Creating text files that include pre-formatted, and include
contact information, word counts, resource boxes, etc. that
publishers only have to click on, copy and paste into their own
documents, will give your article a better chance of being
3. Create a subscription box on your site. With your own list,
you can easily blast your articles to 100s of ezine publishers
who want to read and publish your work.
4. Promote to article directories. There are some terrific
article directories where you can post your articles.
Many of these sites will give you plenty of exposure for your
Below are some of my favorites sites:
http://www.goarticles.com http://www.makingprofit.com
To keep your latest work in front of publishers, make sure you
submit regularly. Weekly is usually a good schedule, and some
will allow you to post more than one article at a time.
Some of these sites also have newsletter directories, so don't
forget to add your newsletter while your there. This will give
you even more promotion.
If you write web promotion and online marketing articles, then I
highly recommend http://www.marketing-seek.com/. You'll find
some of the top names listed here.
5. Post to mailing lists. Mailing lists on the busier sites will
give you lots of exposure, especially with those publishers who
don't have time to visit the article directories.
The best places to find lists to post your articles are: Yahoo -
http://www.yahoogroups.com - and Topica - http://www.topica.com.
To find groups, do a search using key words like article lists,
writing articles, etc.
I would recommend you check out Shelley Lowery's groups at
Yahoo. She has several, and all of them have at least several
hundred members.
You can also post your articles to my new list here:
6. Create your own list of ezine publishers. Below are three
directories where you can find information on ezines that
publish articles. You can easily use the key word search to find
ezines in your area.
(I used these directories to create my own lists.)
http://www.freezineweb.com/ http://freezinesite.com/
The beauty of publishing free articles is that it will give you
lots of free publicity. Once you have a system in place, it's
very easy to put your work in front of millions. Getting new
customers to your site is what it's all about, right?
Jinger Jarrett will show you "How To REALLY Start Your Business
In 30 Days" . You can get a copy of her free ecourse here:
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