For the past few weeks I have been ... my website and fine tuning it soit will be just right. At last it is ready ... to the ... is just one little problem, I am notsure just ho
For the past few weeks I have been busy
building my website and fine tuning it so
it will be just right. At last it is ready to
present to the world.
There is just one little problem, I am not
sure just how I should go about starting
my marketing campaign. I have a very
small advertising budget and I want to
make the money go as far as possible.
Any suggestions?
Little Money
Dear Little Money,
Good news! The Internet offers a lot of
free and low cost marketing venues. Since
over 85% of Web surfers use search engines
to get what they need, I suggest you start by
submitting your site to as many of the major
engines as possible.
If you don't mind paying 1 cent per visitor
(that's 1,000 visitors for $10) then you can
get on the pay-per-click search engines and
have visitors start arriving at your site within
a few hours.
Some other free and low cost marketing ideas:
- Make a text link from any other sites you own.
- Submit to FFA link sites.
- Buy E-Zine ads.
- Send an ad to your mailing list.
- Promote your site in your signature files.
- Tell all your friends and business associates
about your new website.
- Whatever you do: DO NOT SPAM - EVER!
Ask Mr. D - JavaScript
Dear Mr. D,I have noticed several websites that havea sale's message that scrolls across ... bar. Another site I visited had a ... ... across the status ... messages reallAsk Mr. D - ECommerce Sales
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Dear Mr. D,My partner and I have a website that puts together all kinds of tours of Mexico for people. I think we have great products at great prices. We have a great website that cost us a lot of mon