Nikki ... of Milton Keynes based Internet ... company ... tells us more about how article writing can help us sell more from our website. Everyone focuses their web marke
Nikki Pilkington, of Milton Keynes based Internet marketing company tells us more about how article writing can help us sell more from our website.
Everyone focuses their web marketing efforts on search engines, and while this is a large part of traffic generation, it’s not the be all and end all of selling from your website.
One of my Weekly Tips a week or so ago was to write articles, and become an expert. Becoming an expert in other people’s eyes is sometimes as simple as being the person to write the article they read.
So here are 7 reasons why you should become An Expert to attract more visitors to your site.
1) By having an article out there, on other websites, in ezines and given out to potential clients, you’re branding both your website and yourself. Every article should include your name, business name, website address and email address, as well as a short sentence about what you do (called a resource box).
2) By writing about topics that you know about, you will become known as an expert. If people read enough of your articles, and find that they are helped by them, when they have money to spend then they’ll come to you.
3) Writing articles and submitting them to other websites may mean that you get a headline on the front page of their website. This is extra exposure for you and your company.
4) If a website archives its articles, you’ll still be getting advertising (for free!) days, weeks and months after you wrote the article. I still get visitors to my website from an article that I originally wrote in 1996!
5) If your writing style is good, it may attract the attention of other online publishers, or even offline magazines, and you may be asked to write other articles, or even to speak at seminars. Not only is this work usually paid, it also spreads the word about your business even more.
6) If you write articles regularly, start up a mailing list so that anyone interested in reading them can sign up. Make sure that you send your articles to your mailing list before you send them anywhere else – give people a reason to be part of it! This gives you a list of people looking forward to your articles, and who will most probably visit your website after reading.
7) If you advertise in local media, writing an article is a good way to make your advert stand out – more advertorial than blatant advert. The reader gets advice and information, and in return they’ll remember you – build loyalty and when they’re eventually looking to spend money on the services you provide, they’ll think of you first
So there you have it – great reasons to write an article on something related to your business right now!
If you would like a list of places to submit your article to once it’s written, please email me and I can provide a list to you.
Nikki Pilkington is owner of Milton Keynes based Internet Marketing company, and writes articles, hints and tips to help people looking to promote their website for free. For more of her articles visit and sign up to the newsletter.
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