If you are new to internet marketing, you need to learn one thing really fast. TRAFFIC is the name of the game. You must drive traffic to your site, blog, or product. It makes no difference whether it is the greatest in the world, if they can't see it, they will not buy it! Then read this and it will show you how to begin doing that and - IT WON'T COST YOU ONE PENNY!
When you see a title like this,
what's the first thing that comes to mind? Am I going to try to persuade you to write articles for someone else for money? Will I try to tell you that you can write articles for cash for yourself? No, I won't do either one of those things. (However, I will say here that you can do them both if that's what you are good at.)
What I will tell you is that you can publish short articles to entice web surfers to a place you would like them to visit,... perhaps your website or a product that you are are trying to promote. Then perhaps you can sell them the item or get them to join a plan or whatever you are promoting while you have their attention?
Article publishing is just that, writing about something you know about, that someone else may like to either learn, or know your opinion on the subject.
You don't have to be an expert! You would be amazed at how much people want to know what another person thinks about things in general. Your opinion counts! (At least for many people it will, you will be surprised!)
But the key is this. You have managed to get their attention span long enough to get them to do something for you! Now, with any luck, you can take them where you want them to go and maybe make a sale!
That's where the "niche" comes into play. You hear that all the time? "The NICHE....." All that means is that you have been successful enough to have them to peek at something they are already interested in (hence the NICHE), and you still have their curiosity.
You have a hold to them with whatever you have successfully brought them to look at, and you stand a good chance to make a sale of your item.
So Article Writing for Money is a simple proposition. You write an article and publish it in one of the many places that we call "forums" here in the web. Or perhaps place it on your blog. Or both! I do both, and they spread them around a lot more. (Also it increases dramatically your SEO page rank.)
When you publish, you should have your "links" in the article itself (which is not allowed on many forums) or in the Author's Bio Box or Resource Box. These links will bring the reader to your site or the blog. This is how Article Writing works, in a nutshell.
The one thing about this process that is just excellent is this. Other than your time, and a little brain power, IT IS TOTALLY FREE! So if you are looking to jack up traffic to the website, this is a great way to go. That is particularly true if your money is in short supply.
Then you publish the articles, make sure you link them to the site/blog, and let those two things provide all the info that perhaps you cannot do in the actual article written in the forum.
Should you have questions, don't hesitate to ask me in my blog. I go there daily and will answer them all. See you there!