Dealing With Your Marketing Needs
Many small business owners find that they are required to carry out multiple roles within the business. This seems to go with the territory, although it's fair to say that some do find it frustrating. If you spend all of your time trying to fight fires, then you may discover that you're unable to have the desired impact.
Put simply,
you end up in a position where you are busy dealing with emergencies. You may find that you seem to be faced with a never-ending stream of tasks that need to be completed urgently. What this means is that you're unable to take a step back and think in a more strategic manner. Should this be a cause for concern?
I would argue that it's something that certainly needs to be given an appropriate level of consideration. One of the problems here is that some tasks do require a fair degree of planning. You can't be expected to produce and implement a marketing plan, for instance, without setting aside enough time.
It might be more prudent to even consider whether you have a marketing plan in place. I'm always surprised when I discuss this subject with business owners and discover that they haven't given this area much thought. Getting your marketing right is likely to be critical to the long-term success of your business. Indeed, it's also likely that it will have a massive impact on the short-term situation that you face.
How you approach this issue will be individual to you. I would suggest, however, that you should certainly note down a number of steps that you intend to take. You may be able to get some inspiration from the approaches that are taken by your competitors. By their very nature, such strategies should be visible to you.
There's also an issue here that's associated with the budget that you have available to you. It would be nice to think that you could achieve all of your marketing aims without spending any money, but the reality is that you're likely to need to spend some. The money should be seen as an investment and this indicates that there's a real need to measure performance levels.
However you approach the situation, you should aim for a level of transparency. You'll want to know exactly what you are getting in return for the money that you are spending. If you've decided to distribute leaflets to other small businesses, for example, then how will you go about measuring the impact of those leaflets?
The same will be true when emailing other business owners, or producing brochures for potential and existing clients. You need to be focused on producing a sensible strategy that will produce results for your business.