Dean Schmidt Promotes the Manufacturing Media Blitz for TR Cutler, Inc.
Manufacturing Media Blitz Promoted by Dean Schmidt for TR Cutler, Inc.
Thomas R. Cutler,

President of TR Cutler, Inc., (, the nation's largest manufacturing marketing and public relations firm, based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is pleased to announce that Vice-President of Operations Dean Schmidt will serve as a key liaison for the proprietary Manufacturing Media Blitz program.
Accord to Cutler, "This program has allowed very small manufacturers to have the visibility, awareness factor, and sales revenue of much larger organizations because we are able to cost-effectively get the name recognition in a fraction of the time it would have taken just a few years ago."
Schmidt noted, "Tom developed the Manufacturing Media Blitz, which provides massive media coverage in a 90 day period and the results have been extraordinary. My hope is that more manufacturers will carefully whether the effectiveness of other existing marketing programs are driving web traffic, brand awareness, and sales. By evaluating the losing proposition of most tradeshows, direct mail, and print advertising, there are alternatives and the Manufacturing Media Blitz is one of the most effective."
Cutler did note that quantifiable metrics are provided to the manufacturers using the Blitz program to measure the impacts, effectiveness, and sales results. We often see that the message of the manufacturer may need to be re-tooled to provide a clarity and precise call-to-action."
Schmidt said, "Similar programs would be cost prohibitive for smaller manufacturers, however the program is very carefully positioned to allow even the smallest manufacturer to enjoy the benefits of a strong PR outreach campaign."
TR Cutler, Inc.
Dean Schmidt