There are a number of factors that ... your level of success in the Internet ... world. One of themost ... is time ... of the hardest things for anyonein this business
There are a number of factors that will
determine your level of success in the
Internet Marketing world. One of the
most important is time management.
One of the hardest things for anyone
in this business to learn, is where
to focus your efforts to be the most
I continuously read statements saying,
I make more money now and spend less
time working. I have no doubt this is
true, but is that an option for someone
who is just starting in this business?
Longevity itself, brings more experience,
more contacts, more customers, name
recognition. I could go on but you get
the picture. A lot of the options that
come from just being around for a while,
are not there when you first start out.
This is true in most any business, not
just those on the Internet.
In fact, I believe the lack of time or
the misuse of time is the number one
reason, only 2% to 5% will end up being
Why does time management become so
The majority of people attempting to
start a business on the Internet are
still working another job. This allows
a limited amount of time for most.
This makes it even more important, that
you spend your time wisely.
There is no book or table to look at
and know how to break up the hours that
you do have available. But there is one
thing you must do or you will have no
chance of success.
Educate Yourself
Everyone is trying to cut corners, save a
little time. Do Not and just to make sure
this sinks in, Do Not, under any circumstances
cut corners here.
I don't care what path you choose in life,
without learning the ropes so to speak, you
are not going to succeed.
Too many people think they will just learn
as they go and disregard the education at the
moment. You can and will learn as you go but
the best time management tool you have is the
ability to educate yourself now.
Human nature makes us want to think of today.
The thought process tells us, we only have
three hours we can possibly work. I need to
accomplish something now, so I need to spend
the entire three hours working towards a
result I can see.
There are so many things to do. Work on your
website, write ads, send in some ads to ezines
that accept free ads. And the list goes on and
on. There is so much to do and so very little
time to do it.
I hear that little voice saying, I just don't
have time to read and study today.
Resist the temptation to spend the entire
three hours doing these tasks. Take at least
an hour of that time and spend it educating
yourself. Look beyond today and tomorrow.
It's a very hard thing to convince yourself
to do. It's hard to see a big hunk of your
time spent and not be able to see some
visual results.
The more knowledgeable you become, the easier
it is to manage your time.
The more time you spend educating yourself,
the better the chances are that you will be
one of those saying, I make more money and
spend less time working.
Take the time and Educate Your Way to Success.
Think Beyond Today and Start Branding Your Future
One of the subjects that has been thrown around a lot lately is ... I guess it is ... I have done for years without ... it.Yet once I really started thinking about it, ...How Much Traffic Is Enough
How much traffic is enough? I was ... with ... for an ad when Ijotted this down. My mind appears to bestuck. Ever since I thought of those ... I can't seem to stop.Is 1000 extraThree Ways to Improve Your Business
As a business owner, I am always trying to find ways to make my business run a little ... will find ... of articles and ... talk about the subject. Most of the time,you will find