Find Clients By Saying No

Mar 25


Susan Harrow

Susan Harrow

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1. Nourish your secret inner life. *If we have little idea of what we really want from ourlives, or what a soulful approach might mean, then often theonly entrance we have into soul comes from the ability tosay a firm no to those things we intuit lead to a loss ofvitality....But in the continuous utterance of the no is aprofound faith that the yes will appear....One way to cometo yes is to say no to everything that does not nourish andentice our secret inner life out into the world.* DavidWhyte, *The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation ofthe Soul in Corporate America.* If you're longing forsomething to say yes to other than another pile ofpaperwork, this book will help keep your heart in your work-or get you out of work that doesn't have heart. Order it at: Keep in mind what you're trying toaccomplish when you're marketing yourself so you can useyour inner and outer resources most effectively.


2. Say no to whatever doesn't thrill you.

In the course of every week I say no to people who want tohire me for media coaching or marketing strategies. Notbecause I don't think they have something to offer,Find Clients By Saying No Articles butbecause it doesn't thrill me. Over time, less and lesspeople who I'm not interested in call me. This week I'vebrainstormed with a career counselor on discovering the typeof clients with whom she wants to work. She has extensiveexperience in the corporate world with Fortune 500 companiesand is shifting her business to include artists andentrepreneurs who are thoughtful and passionate people. Iinvited her to focus on the qualities of the people shewants as clients versus their profession. If you'reinclined, start your own list today. She continues to workon a detailed list and already two new potential clientscalled her last week that suit her criteria. To create aswifter transition from her business background toattracting a more creative clientele I suggested she offerher services free to her artsy friends.

3. Say yes to the clients you want.

By actually having the experience she wants right now she issaying *yes* to the type of future clients she desires. Ifit's media exposure you want call up a friend to act as areporter and interview you. If you want an article to appearabout you mock up a few points and paste it in that specificpublication. Put it up on your bulletin board where you cansee it daily. If it's more clients you need then find somefriends who fit the bill and give them some of yourexpertise. To further your knowledge C.J. Hayden's book *GetClients Now!* will help you get things moving. You can orderan autographed copy at C.J.also has a newsletter packed with ideas.

4. Discover the secret of saying yes to a happy life inthree words.

The best way I've ever heard to say no to what you don'twant and yes to what you do is this: An American journalistasked Gandhi, *Can you tell me the secret of your life inthree words?* *Yes,* said Gandhi with a twinkle. *Renounceand enjoy.*

My agent Patti Breitman and her co-author Connie Hatch,(also two wonderful clients of mine) penned *How to Say NoWithout Feeling Guilty and Say Yes to More Time, More Joy,and What Matters Most to You.* Called *An ultimate tool kitfor reclaiming your time without hurting feelings,* this isone book you will want to say *yes* to. Order it at yourlocal bookstore or through I took theclass and learned techniques I use on a daily basis in mywork and personal life. I keep a few of those phrases tapedto my computer. Invaluable!

Learn more about getting good press and self-promotion togain publicity for your business, product or cause in *SellYourself Without Selling Your Soul*(HarperCollins). Go to for your free excerpts today.

Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Susan Harrow, All Rights Reserved.

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