How can you help other people succeed, how can you help them solve problems, why would you want to bother?
How can you help other people succeed? How can you help them solve problems? Why would you want to bother?
Well, we are shown time and time again that the way you get what you need is by giving and helping others. It’s so easy to think only of what we need to achieve. We lose sight of the best way to make it happen!
You see, no one cares about what you need; your sales quota, your mortgage, your kids in braces. Nor should they. Your needs are not their problem. So when you are looking for referral partners and new clients, you are better off putting your needs in a box and leaving it on a shelf.
Approach all relationships from the position of what you can do for them. Get to know them and find out what they need, what they have going on, what their goals are. Think about how you might be able to help them. In this way, you will be building a relationship with them that will be lasting. It is that relationship that leads to your need fulfillment. And interestingly, the more you think this way, the more opportunities and connectivity you’ll find.
Let’s consider 3 scenarios.
Scenario #1
You go to networking events with the sole purpose of meeting people and finding out about them. You meet people who you like and feel some synergy with so you continue to build those relationships. Suddenly you have a toolbox full of resources you can turn to when people express their needs. You now know people who you trust and feel confident referring to those in need.
Scenario #2
You provide speeches and conduct workshops around topics that you have expertise in. You give deep, actionable information so the audience leaves knowing more than when they came in. You don’t try to upsell them but you do gather their contact information for your newsletter. Through your newsletter you are continuing to provide valuable information over time. Seemingly out of the blue, someone contacts you interested in hiring you.
Scenario #3
You have a target market you are pursuing. You reach out to those prospects with the idea that you may, or may not, have a product or service that would be valuable to them. You secure a meeting where you ask a lot of questions. You pay close attention to what they tell you and determine whether or not you really have a solution for them. If you don’t, you tell them. If you do, you quote them. You build a great relationship with them either way. You even get referrals from them because they trust you – you’ve told them the truth.
You also find out about other possible needs they have and refer them to people you know and trust who can help them.
As you read through these scenarios do you see anything about focusing on what you need? Did I talk about making sure you tell people about your product or service? Was there any place where I suggested you try to get people to buy your product or service? Nope! That’s because it’s not about what you need; it’s about what they need and how well you help them get their problem solved.
Spend some time focusing on helping others and you’ll see the rewards you’ll reap.
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