The first paragraph of this article provides a brief summary of the content. It discusses the concept of a 'natural market' and how it can be utilized to boost business growth. The article uses the example of a successful insurance salesperson who capitalized on his unique personal characteristics to connect with a specific segment of his target market. The article further explains what a natural market is, its benefits, and how to identify and utilize your own natural market.
Let's consider the story of Tony, a top-performing salesperson at a major life insurance company. Tony, originally from Italy, moved to the United States about 15 years ago. His prior experience selling insurance to U.S. military personnel in Italy made him an attractive hire for his current company.
Tony soon realized that many Italian restaurant owners in his new city hailed from a small village near his hometown of Naples. They not only spoke Italian but also his specific dialect. This shared background helped Tony establish a strong connection with these restaurant owners, leading to a significant portion of his business coming from this group. This unique, 'natural' relationship is a key factor behind Tony's success in his company.
Tony's story illustrates the immense potential of leveraging a 'natural market'.
A 'natural market' refers to a segment of your target market that shares a unique personal characteristic with you. This shared characteristic fosters a personal connection between you and a prospect in your target market. For instance, if you're a teacher or a former teacher selling healthcare products through a multi-level marketing (MLM) company, your natural market could be other teachers or former teachers. This shared background allows you to communicate with them on a more personal level.
People are generally more receptive to those with whom they share a common background or interest. It's human nature to feel more comfortable doing business with someone we perceive as similar to us. This is particularly beneficial for online businesses, where prospects can't physically see or hear you.
To find your best natural market, start by listing different aspects of your life. Consider your current and past professions or occupations, hobbies, club or association memberships, unique national origins or languages spoken, and any special backgrounds or experiences.
Each item on your list could potentially represent a natural market. However, some will be more impactful than others. The more unique the shared characteristic, the more leverage it provides. Choose the most unique characteristic to start with.
Your natural market is a more focused version of your primary target market. Once you've identified a natural market, incorporate it into your advertising strategy. Modify your existing sales material to specifically appeal to your natural market. Continue using your current marketing tactics, but expand them to include this new segment of your target market. This approach can help you tap into a new layer of business within your existing target market.
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