There are many ways an offline business can make use of email marketing. Here are several.
There are many ways an offline business can make use of email marketing. Here are several.
A monthly email newsletter is a very good way to keep in contact with your clients,
and to educate them about your different services. This is a great way to build relationships with your clients.
Website opt-in
This is when you insert a little ‘opt-in’ form on your website, where you ask people to sign up for your newsletter. Often you can provide an incentive for signing up, like a coupon or another type of freebie.
This is how you can get your email marketing or other email communications to people who are not yet your customers.
Special events
Do you ever have special events with your business? Something like sponsoring a car wash for a local school sports team, or sponsor some kind of community event, or have an employee that’s involved with charitable work in the community. All these things help to build your reputation, and are worthy of publication.
Special sales
Special sales, limited time offers, holiday offers, overstocked sales, or any other sales you can think of, can all be announced through email marketing.
Emails to customers can also be used as reminders. Flower shops can send out a reminder that mother’s day is fast approaching so order your flowers now, and use this enclosed coupon.
Oil change shops can use emails to send reminders to their customers every three months that its time for another oil change.
Up-selling and cross-selling
Do your customers know about all the other products and services that your offer, besides the one you provided to them. Email marketing can be used for up-selling, and cross-selling.
New product announcements
Are you coming out with a new product? Announce it through email marketing. Are you enhancing an existing product? Announce it through email marketing.
Conduct surveys
You can find out what your customers are thinking, what they are looking for, and any other information you can format into a survey
So you can see that anything that you want your customers, or would be customers to know about your business can be accomplished with email marketing