Are you trying to wean off 1-on1-work with clients? If so, you are probably checking other options to replace that income.
If you’re trying to wean off of 1-on-1 client work then you’re probably exploring different options available to you to replace that income.
The choices can seem overwhelming…Do you add a membership website,

launch a high-ticket coaching program or produce a home study course and sell it online? Maybe host a teleseminar series?
All of these are great income streams to integrate into your business. The question is, which do you try first?
I recommend starting with something that’s fast, easy and SIMPLE. One of my favorite “quick start” income streams is offering a “virtual” VIP day retreat.
Think of a virtual VIP days as being just like a one-day private in-person intensive with you, only instead of having to find a location, get dressed up and make arrangements for your client to fly in, you meet on the telephone for a series of calls focused on your client’s outcomes.
A few months ago I brainstormed this idea with one of my Platinum coaching clients. She loved it and in less than a month she had booked multiple Virtual VIP day clients, bringing in thousands of dollars.
If this idea sounds appealing to you then you’ll appreciate the quick tips I’m sharing with you so that you can successfully design and deliver your own virtual VIP days.
When my Platinum client, Helen Graves, first heard the idea of virtual VIP days, she liked it, but she wasn’t sure how she could make a big impact for her clients simply by being on the telephone. And if she couldn’t make a big impact then she knew that charging enough for this intensive service would be tough.
Helen specializes in helping solopreneurs plan the launch of their programs, workshops or info products so they make more sales in a very short period of time. She also has a signature system she teaches her clients who don’t like to sell, that results in them making more sales of high-ticket items via a simple telephone conversation.
Once I shared a few simple tips with her, Helen signed up multiple virtual VIP day clients within her first month, and has now expanded this lucrative income stream to now offer virtual VIP days on a choice of three different topics. (For more info about how Helen designed and delivers her virtual VIP days listen in on a special, exclusive interview series I recently recorded, called “Success Stories: How Did She DO It?”
Here are quick tips you can use to quickly get started offering virtual VIP days, just like Helen did:
Tip #1 Plan On A Series Of Calls Throughout The Day
I recommend scheduling a five to six hour day, with each call lasting no more than 45 minutes. In between calls your client will be busy doing their homework assignments while you relax and take a break.
Tip #2 Don’t Go Overboard
Resist the urge to include tons of content. Overwhelming your clients is no fun! Focus instead on offering structured, step-by-step help specifically targeted to solve ONE primary challenge your clients want help with. By focusing in this way they’ll get a better result and will eagerly recommend your virtual VIP days to others.
Tip #3 Offer Bonus Checklists
Clients LOVE quick reference sheets, tips lists or checklists so plan on offering one or two of these at the end of your virtual day to increase the value even more.
Tip #4 Offer A Follow Up Package
At the end of your virtual VIP day is the prefect time to offer your client a follow up package to help keep them on track and in action. While there are lots of effective strategies for making this offer, one of my favorites is to give them a significant discount if they decide to move forward right away. Don’t be shy to remind them that the more you can hold them accountable (with you by their side, of course!) the better the results they’re likely to achieve.
All It Takes Is A Telephone To Add Virtual VIP Days To Your Business Model
Once Helen saw how easy it was to add virtual VIP days to her business model, she became hooked. Her clients reported getting outstanding results from the focused help she gave them, making this income stream a win/win for all.
Clients love virtual VIP days because they’re quick and easy to schedule. Plus, they love getting focused time with YOU, helping them solve their challenge.
While a virtual VIP day isn’t as likely to command as high a fee as an in-person Platinum retreat, I think you’ll be happily surprised at just how much you CAN charge. Helen’s business is on track to bring in high 5-figures from this ONE income stream this year. This is in addition to her teleseminar, private coaching, info product sales and group program 1ncome streams.
Remember, the more ways you can offer for clients to hire you, the more people you can help, which is your ultimate Money, Marketing and Soul outcome, right?