Free programs, both teleclasses and live workshops, are one of the best ways I know to build your list, provide value and establish the Know, Like, and Trust Factor.
Putting together the programs is relatively simple.Yet, there are two key factors to keep your eye on:
1. How much information should you share for free?
2. Are you attracting new people to achieve your list building goals?
I encourage you to be very conscious about your free programs because I learned the hard way that you can give away the farm. When I was starting out, I offered a free teleclass monthly as well as a live workshop for a nominal fee. Each month I covered a new topic to keep prospects interested and coming back.
After a few months, these prospects got my best content but never signed up for coaching! I wasn’t sure what to do about it until one month my topic packed the room. That gave me an idea, “What would happen if I did the same program again next month?” It worked again and drew a substantial new crowd.
I continued to offer this program and tweak it as I went which ended up being, “How to Attract All the Clients You Need”. As you know I’m still using this topic years later because it continues to address a pressing need for business owners everywhere.
The essential learning for me that I want to share with you now is this:
If you keep offering new free programs, people will come back again and again. But they will not be as likely to work with you and step up to the next level.
Remember, you do offer additional free content in your ezine, so prospects are still getting value. But for your monthly talk, see if you can come up with one great talk and run it over and over to attract new prospects. Focus on the “what and why” without saying too much of the ‘how” so attendees will feel compelled to want more from you. You may need to test a few topics to see which one attracts the most people. Then put your efforts into promoting that program like crazy.
Your Client Attraction Assignment
Have you figured out what is the one thing your ideal clients want more than anything else? This is like answering pull marketing questions, which will help you pull in the prospects you need to fill your pipeline. Find the juiciest subject matter that focuses on the problem’s end results your prospects want the most.
Then come up with a few ideas for talks around this one central topic and test them out to see how well they attract the crowds. Be sure not to talk about “how” to do what you are suggesting so you don’t eliminate the need to hire you.
If you are already doing talks and teleclasses, review them to see how you can improve your titles or offering to bring in more prospects or encourage more people to work with you.
Attract more clients by authentically living your message
How is your client attraction work going: if you are struggling to bring in new clients, you’ll find this topic helpful.How to extend client relationships with a maintenance package
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