The more you get clear on who your ideal client is, the better your marketing message can speak directly to them and their concerns: this will significantly improve your marketing results as you pull clients in and they can more easily self-select to work with you.
One of the most common examples of a broad group is women. Think about women as a group – that is half the population right? So you need to narrow the field down. There are women who are moms, business owners, empty nesters, women who are divorced, addicted to sugar and the list goes on. How can you reach all these different groups of women with your marketing message without spending a fortune? That’s not easy.
The smartest way to make your marketing efforts work harder is to focus on a particular niche. I’m going to make this really easy for you. The key is to look at where women are already assembled for you. One of the best target audiences for that is women business owners. Why? Because they must gather to get more clients and grow their businesses. So when you look for groups of women business owners, it’s so much easier since they gather themselves.
There are so many places to find women business owners! Here are three national organizations:
1. National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO)
2. eWomen Network
3. National Association of Female Executives (NAFE)
There is a directory of women’s associations that’s available online and the last time I bought it, it was only $75. The directory is like a phonebook of all the women’s associations in the US and it is amazing.
You can also do a Google search in your area to discover groups that are regional or even local to just your state or town. New women’s groups and organizations are popping up all over and growing in popularity every day.
Finding these groups makes is so much easier to market to women since you can rub elbows with many all in one place. And there will likely be some of any type you seek in whatever group you attend.
Your Client Attraction Assignment
Do some research this week to discover women business owner networking groups in your area. Then make a list of everything available and when they hold their meetings. Pick the ones that sound best to you and schedule them into your calendar. Then make sure you attend.
My advice is to try a bunch of them before you settle into a routine of attending meetings. While it’s good to be seen repeatedly at the same group so people get to know and like you, it’s also helpful to make sure you find the right group with women who are receptive to what you have to offer.
Attract more clients by authentically living your message
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