Selling is a huge obstacle in growing small businesses and they struggle with what to say to potential clients.
For loads of small business owners in helping/healing professions,

selling is a HUGE obstacle in growing their businesses. (“I just want to be of service. I don’t want to market or sell!”)
The problem is they see sales and marketing as separate from the transformation they provide. Which means they constantly struggle with what to say to potential clients that won’t conflict with their values of service, compassion and authenticity.
Take my client, Ritamarie, for example. She’s a nutrition practitioner and had a strong aversion to coming off as “salesy.” It just didn’t fit her style or her audience. Even when she tried to “make the sale,” it often didn’t pan out because there was a disconnect between her passion for what she does and her dispassion for selling.
Unfortunately, the end result was people weren’t hiring her in the numbers she wanted.
We spent a private day working together virtually, constructing a “conversation template” that was comfortable for her and conveyed the value she had to offer. Since then, she’s reported a record number of “yes!” responses (and at a much higher dollar figure than before). Happy day!
Because I know many other heart-centered entrepreneurs struggle with what to say (like Ritamarie used to), I want to give you 3 ultra-simple tips for how to confidently “talk turkey” with clients in a way that’s comfortable – and always in alignment with your values.
1) Reframe the meaning of “selling”
The idea of selling has been given a bad rap by those who’ve used it only as a means to put money in their own pockets, customer be damned. The truth is, selling isn’t about forcing something down another person’s throat (unless you choose to view it that way). Selling, at its essence, is a transaction between two people, for the mutual benefit of both.
And if you know in your heart that your special brand of transformation is exactly what the person you’re speaking with needs, presenting your offer is the first step in being of service.
2) Clarify your offer so you can present it clearly and easily
The simplest way to get a yes answer is to create a compelling picture in your prospective client’s mind. A picture that makes them say, “I gotta have that!” Take some time
before you begin a “selling conversation” to get really clear about the specific details of your product, program or service, as well as the specific results your client can expect. Once you’ve got those on the tip of your tongue, painting that enticing picture is a piece of cake.
3) Integrate your values into the conversation
Don’t leave your values back in the car when you talk with someone about what you can do for them. In a service-based business like yours (and mine), your clients are buying
you, not some impersonal product. Asking about their beliefs and values, and sharing your own, is an excellent way to build rapport and know that what you’re offering is a match for what they need.
You Can’t Help Them Until They Say ‘YES’
Marketing, at its heart, is about connecting with others so you can create your special brand of transformation in their lives. And the final step in the marketing sequence is asking for the sale. Without that, you can’t work your magic. Knowing how to speak about your services in a way that blends your marketing message with your values means both you and your potential client come out winners!