Have you ever thought about what it takes to attract ideal clients and customers who happily buy when you’re not in front of them -today, I’d like to share some best practices with you that I use and that my clients now use to write marketing copy that sells.
Copy is infinitely important in your business. Why? Because it clones and replaces you in the sales process. It’s a way for you to multiply your reach without extra effort. And it touches EVERY single part of your business - your ezine, your website, your sales pages, your mailing campaigns, your social media, your video - EVERYTHING.
You want to be able to write AMAZING and COMPELLING copy. It is a tool you can use that allows you to sell with authenticity, integrity and love. Now you might be saying right now - did I hear her correctly? Did she say love? Yes, LOVE.
Here’s the deal. In your heart, you want to take what you do in your business and get it out there in a really BIG way. Awesome, authentic copy is one way you can take your message to the masses. Marketing copy is the vehicle. When done well - with love - copy is a divine tool that allows you to be of service to others.
One of the biggest compliments a prospect can give me is to say, “When I read your email I felt like you were talking directly to me. You articulated exactly what I am feeling, exactly what I wanted and you showed me exactly how you were going to give it to me. And you were so real and so authentic. I couldn’t wait to buy what you were offering.”
The best news is that it’s not that difficult to be able to write copy that gets your prospects to respond in this way. In today’s strategy video, I’d like to walk you through my first 4 strategies for writing authentic copy that sells. You’ll see that once you’re able to sink into your heart a little bit, the process is actually quite magical.
You want to make sure you are aligned with the intention of serving, not taking. Come from a place of abundance rather than scarcity. Desperation (“I’ve just gotta make the sale”) repels abundance so focus instead on faith and service.
3. Clearly define your objective. What is it that you want your reader to do after reading your copy? Are you trying to make a sale, have him or her fill out the boxes on your website, call you? You need to know the exact action you want your reader to take.
4. Write from the heart. This may not come naturally to you - at first. But in reality, this is the most natural thing that we can do in our business because all you have to do is BE YOURSELF. You want to connect with your reader - heart to heart.
Make that person feel valued and important. Use empathy wherever possible. Be compassionate. Be reassuring. Acknowledge their pain. Treat them as if you would treat a friend. Be conversational and talk to them about their deepest aspirations (rather than about the offer.)
Take a stand for your reader and their success. Talk to them about where they are now, where they want to be, what’s possible for them and how you can help them get there. Be vulnerable if it’s appropriate, show your passion and for goodness sake, don’t be boring!
Your Client Attraction Assignment
Your Assignment for this week is to give these first 4 strategies a try. It may take some practice - especially if you’re not used to writing in your authentic voice, but once you really learn to sink into your heart and just let your thoughts and feelings flow, you’ll see that being authentic actually takes less of an effort than pretending to be someone you’re not.
Attract more clients by authentically living your message
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