Ok, this is ... just a ranting gripe session, so if you don't wantto hear it please run and hide.Now that you've been warned, however, I am ... sick andtired of people thinking I'm lazy a
Ok, this is basically just a ranting gripe session, so if you don't want
to hear it please run and hide.
Now that you've been warned, however, I am absolutely sick and
tired of people thinking I'm lazy and worthless just because I don't get
up at the same time they do.
Take last night for example. I was up until after 3 a.m. working
online. That's typical for me. In fact, I often don't go to bed until 4
a.m. or so. I find it easier to work at night because the kids are
asleep, there are less distractions, it's quiet, and I can concentrate and
get more done.
About 8:30 this morning, a phone call came in and apparently it was
obvious that I had just woke up. The person had a very rude tone of
voice and obviously looked down on me because I had still been in
Well, excuse me, lady, for sleeping a whole 5 and a half hours all at
once! Should I call you at 4 in the morning after you've only been in
bed for 5 hours and get on your case about it?! Oh, I can't, you
don't sleep at your office like I do, huh? You go home where no one
can bother you and only worry about work at certain hours. Wow!
What a concept! Because my hours are different than yours,
however, I don't get that privilege? Instead you look down on me
because I sleep during traditional work time?
Well, excuse me for not being a mindless robot content with a regular
job, regular life, and the approval of the masses. I have my own
goals, dreams, and ideas lady, and they don't include you or your
Besides which, there have been plenty of days I got up at 4:30 a.m.
to work also. I conform my schedule to what else is going on in my
life and what I need to get done.
On average, I don't get the traditional 8 hours of sleep anyway.
Why? Because I'm pushing myself to take care of my family during
the day and work a demanding online business both day and night!
Without a 'regular' job, however, I'm looked down on.
Well, I ask you, are my kids starving? No. Are we living in a box
out on the street? No. Just because you have to get up in the
morning and go to work don't blame me! As far as I'm concerned I
work just as hard as anyone, and harder than most. I don't get the
luxury of having someone schedule my day for me, I have to do it
myself. I am my own motivation. I regulate my own work habits.
This is no cake walk business, lady, I work for my money whether
you take me seriously or not!
How many people in the world can truthfully claim they make money
over the Internet? 0.001%? Maybe? Well I can, lady, and I do a
lot if it while you are -- guess what? ASLEEP!
So, why don't you show a little courtesy, respect, and common
decency. I respect your job, why can't you respect mine? Because
it's non-traditional? My business is about serving others. Is that so
Internet marketing is real. I do not engage in scams or schemes. I
am making a profitable business work, and it's growing monthly. So,
take your snooty attitude, your 'holier than thou' tone of voice and
turn it around on yourself. I know what I'm doing, and I'm doing it
for myself, my family, and my clients.
Besides, having that kind of attitude isn't going to get you that BIG 50
cents an hour raise you've been working towards for the last 8
Enjoy your work day, lady. I'm taking a nap!
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Great ... really ticks me off. No, I mean it. In fact Ithink I already wrote an article about it. It was called "Why IHate ... Ad Copy" if I remember ... makes me mad about greatSave Money By Cutting Recurring Expenses
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